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Hamburger Pimp

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Everything posted by Hamburger Pimp

  1. 1. Terrier 2. Monkey 3. North 4. Dun Cow 5. Black Bull 6. Blue Bell 7. Sun 8. Ridge Farm
  2. There's a lot more to the town than terriers... ...there's also pig-ignorant, ill-informed, poisonous right-wing politics! Hooray.
  3. I do enjoy tucking into a box of assorted creams, but that's not for now.
  4. In retrospect, a corner wouldn't have been all that bad
  5. That's rather an unorthodox shirt that young feller is wearing, no?
  6. It appears that one of our old classmates has won a board game on there, too.
  7. Michael Winner eSure ads in a New Monkey stylee
  8. This is the birthday she started celebrating over two weeks ago? (see Movies thread) That's some binge! Happy birthday and that, BLoB.
  9. No offence, Swalnallas, but this board would be better without you, wouldn't it?
  10. The belief that 666 is the number of the beast is based a statement made in the Book of Revelation. It was discovered in 2005 that this statement had been translated incorrectly. Anyone believing in this type of thing should now think that 616 is the relevant figure, since this is what the Bible (really) says.
  11. This word cropped up on tonight's BBC4 edition of brainiac panel show "QI". Also, it turns out that the number of the beast is, in fact, 616. You lives, you learns.
  12. The easy stylings of Lawrence Welk is where it's at, Pete.
  13. Bear! Like Bedlington Bears!
  14. If you're moving into a house with a woman and two small children, I think you'll find you're "better off" getting out of there for fifty hours a week at work. Hope this helps.
  15. You're a regular Photoshop wizard, Pete!
  16. Aren't they an American Football team?
  17. The mysterious, transient beauty of the forthcoming front page revealed!
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