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Everything posted by Brett

  1. heh, it's fine. I don't think the other half would appreciate the change in direction this close to d-day although it could have resulted in me being around the house more.
  2. Malcolm, I wish I had seen this a bit sooner and I may have applied but the applications had to be received by October 10th midnight.
  3. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/10/06/bt_fibre_to_the_premises_six_exchanges/
  4. Credit & Copyright: Antti Kemppainen Explanation: Sometimes the sky itself is the best show in town. On January 26, people from Perth, Australia gathered on a local beach to watch a sky light up with delights near and far. Nearby, fireworks exploded as part of Australia Day celebrations. On the far right, lightning from a thunderstorm flashed in the distance. Near the image center, though, seen through clouds, was the most unusual sight of all: Comet McNaught. The photogenic comet was so bright that it even remained visible though the din of Earthly flashes. Comet McNaught continues to move out from the Sun and dim, but should remain visible in southern skies with binoculars through the end of this month. The above image is actually a three photograph panorama digitally processed to reduce red reflections from the exploding firework.
  5. Brett

    Camera Clubs

    if your still interested tomtom there has been a recent spurt of activity from Morpeth camera club in the news post leader and the ashington extra who are seeking members.
  6. The barman says "sorry we don't serve nutrinos". A nutrino walks into a bar.
  7. I am sure that any of the above desks could be put together for nothing but the price of materials quite easily and with the SNRG logo on the front it would look really smart.
  8. That I do fully agree with but with PR comes a substantial amount of time and money which most people can't spare. There are a select few as proven who will commit there time to benefit the community but it's getting the people who don't feel as if they are part of the community to spend some time in it and about it.
  9. I personally don't feel that the initiatives are buried anywhere P.A.W.S. If people were interested then there are plenty of places where information could be found out. The main problem is that people aren't interested enough to look for themselves. Every time I walk up the street I look in the newsagents window, the adverts board in Tesco and other flyers dotted around passing by the shops and I have only lived in Bedlington 2 weeks, which is more than most people do but I am sure the people will come flooding when they hear the sound of trumpets.
  10. Was just glancing over wikipedia Bedlington page today and looks like someone has been doing some amending
  11. they introduced this whilst I was in sixth form (Not at Bennies) and it was a way of the teachers keeping an eye on the behaviour as people were shaking the vending machines to get free food and damaging property. Im sure that if there were enough pupils who refused to be filmed then they would have no choice but to take it down. It's not a public place so they shouldn't be allowed to film without permission.
  12. Can't do that Merlin, you have to put stuff like that in writing.
  13. Alternatively, destroy the causeway and only let people cross via raft when the tide is in. And they have to pull themselves along by rope on said raft. Residents would probably appreciate the peace and quiet of chopper blades and engines. Have some raising bollards that are raised when the water level reaches a certain height on the causeway. Would have the same effect as barriers but would be hidden when not in use.
  14. Now after reading that it all sounds so farcicle because it isn't to be expected. I hope that alot of that is true and that others take a leaf out his book instead of milking everything they can because they are given certain responsibilites. Like Ian Slavery opening the baby unit at Wansbeck last week. Really?! Could they have not have got someone with some worth in the area?
  15. Apologies Keith, I missed a '0' from that total. This is the amount that the local news led us to believe sometime last week. My maths is normally bad but not that bad Some people just don't care about the consequences as there are generally no repurcussions of their actions. I know the lads here that fly the Sea King would beg to differ. Although I'm sure they would just want to do their mandatory flying to keep themselves current and not have to be called out....needs must and all that though. Whatever they decide to go with I am sure they will have meeting upon meeting about it and they will be no further forward with people still getting stuck. The only way to stop people doing it is to have some sort of EMP when the tide is coming in to disable the engine. Least that would work.....
  16. website is looking really snazzy and everything just seems to fit together so well
  17. £4200 + for the Sea King to rescue stranded motorists!! How would anyone be able to foot the bill for running one of those. I agree that it is total lack of consideration when trying to beat the tide but they couldn't foot the full bill for recovery as it will be 5 years plus wages for most people. Barriers will look an eye sore but one thing is certain is that nothing will change to drastically as the only thing that is certain is human stupidity. (May have mis-quoted that)
  18. Interested in the heritage skills workshop that will be taking place so may have a gander at that if I have the time.
  19. Well would that not be dependant on what Qatar paid so we had to outbid them?
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