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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. wey thats your job aint it?
  2. wetherspoons would never come to bedlington theres too many mongs!
  3. is it terrorists? no its just mr darns cr*ppy rule and regulations! :lol: :lol:
  4. f*****************k***********************************************b************* ********tw*********************************************cks
  5. sorry like but your becoming very annoying! how way man get a grip its only a forum!!!!!!!! its getting taken that bit to far and before long the few people that do come on will vanish through the daftness of ya rules and regulations! please please stop while you can im sure theres a moderators annoymous you could go to for help!!!
  6. god this place is getting confusing! topics getting split from elbow to a**ehole sorry but ya becoming a bit to much like a nanny not a mod!
  7. what i wnat to know is how do these rat holes stay open? is it the local chavas cause its like a grave yard?
  8. oh great just what i need another !*!@# hair salon! the originality of that mind how do these people think these things up?
  9. nor it already deed! :lol: tabs would just ease the suffering
  10. my god! there's no words to discribe it!
  11. do you think about children?
  12. please what children do you honestly think will go on the internet to access bedlington.co.uk? tha either downloading illegal software or on one of the many social sites like my space or face party s****! so stop using that as an excuse!!!!
  13. so you've closed all the old thread in chat and talk of the town! what about the other sections like introduce ya sel there not closed? how come?
  14. get over it and turn your telly up! some people are never happy
  15. ******** that will look pretty in stars!
  16. i and who was it giving me a hard time about imagrant doctors! you see they kill us one way or another!
  17. i think you already did and forgot to wipe your lips!
  18. but you wouldn't be paying for it! wetherspoons would and they would see little return for there investment! so stop dreaming!
  19. it looks better on the floor than in a tree!
  20. terrorists! look! !*!@# packy bombers having another go!!!
  21. sorry but it could only be one person as users only have tha ability to edit there own posts? unless it was a mod or leader doing it!!!!!
  22. here's a thought why dont you just close tampered posts and ban the people responcible! or take there edit priveledge away?
  23. i am happy i just think you've gone a bit mad! its a bit like thats it the brain "trying to take over the world!!"
  24. they shouldn't have to be re opened!!
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