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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. buy a shotgun or a few rotties or if they knocking on your door wire the knocker to the mains! zap the little bar-stewards
  2. well not cambois/ blyth as its not on this year! is the cricket club not holding one?
  3. you've never own a fiat seicento sporting then! then you would realise the civic was a well built car! not only is it built badly its almost impoosible to fix as your spanner wont actually fit in the space left around the engine!
  4. so can you do a clean install with that version? would that be a product or version upgrade?
  5. Heres the results for october: Well done to all!
  6. Monsta®


    whats that aboot like? the acting was a bit like eastenders to me
  7. you can join now if you like you will keep your scores! and probably go straight to the top of me league
  8. is it just me or is buying a copy of windows seven a complete nightmare, I'm confused as a monkey trying to climb a puzzle tree! firstly do i want a version upgrade or a product update? then if a want a full version do i want home premium e version or home premium n version it just dont make sense and to make it worse when you try to find out nobody's answers are the same!
  9. What a !*!@# ! wonder how many pounds have been squeezed into his pockets the slimey back stabber. here read
  10. I think it would suit? stadium of light 2, the riverside 2 or cockney mafia park
  11. Monsta®


    that would be more like one fat !*!@# and the tranny magnet! :lol:
  12. not quite the saving a student gets but if you have three pcs or three friends!!! you can take avantage of the family pack! look here it works out at 43.31 each!
  13. Monsta®


    Terry !*!@# Wit and Spoilt B@stard remind me of a certain someone can't think who though!
  14. last week coming up and Sp@z has the lead! 1-1
  15. what do you mean dumbest? i did he's a murdering terrorist!
  16. lefties dont listen they just win there arguements buy sticking "ism" on the end of the subject! fact!
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