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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. sure it wasn't the coppa choppa ? or hp's dummy
  2. heres the answer: monsta The metal plates are to prevent skateboarders/ bmx users using the copes for girding and such like, therefore protecting thestone. Others areas of cope will have railings. If you have any further queries pleaseemail or call. Regards Richard Richard Schofield SeniorProject Officer Regeneration Service(South East Area Team) Northumberland CountyCouncil 46-47 The Square Guide Post Choppington Northumberland NE62 5BY Telephone: 01670 843453 Fax: 01670 824814 Email: Richard.Schofield@northumberland.gov.uk Web Site: www.northumberland.gov.uk
  3. the thing is you need the right sort of wood chippings dont think Eucalypts, acacias or Kurrajongs produce the right flavour for craster kippers
  4. were you not on drugs? or had on to many alcipops! got any pics?
  5. never said they where railings more brackets to attach railing to! anyway will have the answer soon
  6. wey then if there screwed in then there probably for railings!
  7. Lambo reventon modeled after a tornado jet fighter!
  8. Monsta®

    Forza 3

    got an "early copy" its just splendid! bugatti veyron, lamborgini reventon splendid
  9. either that or possible railing brackets? more than likely to be spacers the halfwit builders have left in!
  10. so there like hot cross buns! ripped this from the guardian.co.uk This simple dough can be usedfor most bun recipes, great for hot cross buns, chelsea buns, even forlittle balls of dough deep-fried and dusted in icing sugar for a NewYear's Eve snack. But the simple teacake, toasted and buttered, is myfavourite. A hard fat like beef dripping in the dough makes theteacakes softer than butter would. For vegetarians, white chocolate isa much better substitute than regular butter, as the high proportion ofcocoa fat it contains stays as hard as dripping at room temperature.Now who would have thought beef fat and white chocolate had somethingin common? Why the hefty amount of yeast? To counteract all thesugar, fat and spices that will slow the yeast down. As with us, alittle sugar speeds the beastie, but too much slows it right down. Fatalso makes fermentation difficult, and even spice slows the reaction.The yeast will be destroyed in the baking, and won't be bubbling aroundin your stomach, but will help make your sweet buns light and fluffy. Makes 14 5 level tsp easy-blend yeast (about 2 sachets) 125ml warm water 600g strong white flour 150ml milk 25g golden syrup 25g caster sugar 50g beef dripping (or white chocolate), roughly chopped 150g currants 150g chopped mixed peel ½ level tsp each ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon 1 level tsp salt 3 large eggs Dissolvethe yeast in the warm water with 3 tbsp flour (taken from the totalamount). Stir together well, then leave for 15 minutes to bubble.Meanwhile, heat the milk until boiling, then remove from the heat, addthe golden syrup, caster sugar, dripping, currants, peel, spices andsalt, stir well and leave to cool. Beat the eggs and stir theseinto the milk mixture. Place the remaining flour in a warm bowl, stirthe yeast with the milk mixture, then tip this into the flour and stirwell until evenly combined. Cover the bowl, leave for 10 minutes, thengive the dough three light kneads over 30 minutes (see Basic techniques), cover and leave for a further 30 minutes. Weighthe dough into 100g pieces and roll into round balls using your cuppedhand. Butter two baking sheets, roll the balls flat so they sit about2cm high and lay them on the tray about 3-4cm apart. Place the traysinside carrier bags and leave somewhere warm for 1½ hours to double inheight. Heat the oven to 220C (200C fan-assisted). Brush the topsof the dough with beaten egg and bake for 12-15 minutes or until risenand golden. Don't bake for too long, as you want them to stay soft. Tried and tested 'I made exactly 14 teacakes, asthe recipe states, and they weregreat - definitely a recipe I willuse again' Variation Panettone teacakes Reducethe milk to 50ml, replace the dripping with 75g white chocolate and addan extra 3 egg yolks with the eggs, together with the zest of an orangeand a lemon, 2 tbsp honey and 3 tsp each vanilla extract, orange flowerwater, rose water and chocolate essence (in place of the dry spices).For the topping, smash up some of those rough white La Perruche sugarcubes together with an equal quantity of amaretti and sprinkle on eachbun just after the egg wash.
  11. limewire, kazaa who uses that virus riddled way anymore?
  12. i had bother accessing rapidshare i had to change my mtu to get back on! heres a question how exactly do they know if your downloading copyright stuff if its in a password encrypted rar file with a completely antonomous name like file.001.rar for example? it seem like a pipe dream to me!
  13. as long as they stay open and provide there services! they could be owned by fred west for all a care!
  14. as long as the chemists dont end up closed down who cares. a thinks boots just took over barons of blyth so it got all the chemists barons owned!
  15. film! thought it was banned or illegal or somit! any way its a bit old hat and faffy, all them chemicals and dark bags, then standing about in dark rooms for hours. heap of sh,ite a much prefer sitting next to the pc a clicking print! rather more instant and mess free!
  16. what are tea cakes? are they cakes made from tea?
  17. father ted crilly and father dougal mcguire!
  18. ok it was a new beck lm800 but you knew that! so whats this? clue its very fast?!!!!
  19. hopefully not and i hope he's in agonising pain! the stinking murderer!
  20. the security package! how ever they do offer free software to students! and windows 7 is free (release candidate) till next march
  21. whats wrong with a big of bigotry if it sorts the country out? for far to long the british have be to placid and took it up the wrongin! its about time we stood up to these masses and ship them back to there own country. where is the rascism in that?
  22. my point is you were moaning! as for a barrel full of holes microsoft are at least offering it for free!
  23. well you obviously have not been to sami tandoori its by far the best takeaway experience in bedlington. all there food comes with e.coli and salmanella warnings thus giving you the best after curry !*!@# you'll ever have!
  24. there not racist blacks and pakistani's can now join! its more to do with stopping the masses from overcrowding our country, taking what jobs there are and putting a tremendous strain on the benifits system.
  25. nearly as good as nick griffin on question time! at last some with proper views!
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