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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. wikipedia and server not found! well thats not something you can say is reliable!
  2. where on earth did you get that from? yes there maybe immigrants going to these countries but there only passing through on route to benefit island. its a bit like the charlie booreman program from muslim land to benefit island by any means! including sneeking on to trucks, aeroplanses and boats risking not only there lives but the poor unaware drivers and legit passengers.
  3. what he's got a web site! thats just low suppose he'll be uploading his holiday photo's for the victims family to see! look just recapture the dorty terrorist and electrofy the fecker make every one happy!
  4. so did the country night end with a token western style bar brawl?
  5. where's the proof? the only number on the post is #29 anyway well done!
  6. have we gone back in time? nick griffin came on telly and it was like one of them witch hunts. "he's a nazi burn him". suppose he'll have to been thrown in a lake to see if he floats or thrown off a cliff to see if he can fly. if this was another country it would be fine to keep the country as ones own and prevent outsiders from taking over, such as tribal indians and the mauri do. but no this is blighty were we open are borders to every one with no questions asked. i am not a racist, i am not a bigot, i dont mind muslims as long as they dont shove it in me face. the only thing that conserns me is the rate of immigration and the way muslims seem to have a mind set of over taking the country. i watched the protest against geert wilders and the chants the muslims came out with is proof. "geert wilders go to hell, muslims rise up!" its on you tube!
  7. probably whitey or something along those lines!
  8. thats just what i would expect for a UAF supporter to say! or am all for free speech and fairness except when its the bnp! urgh racists or bigots divint disorve out.. makes you laugh! :lol::lol:
  9. who's more fascist the bnp... a political party who have been attacked and demonised by the lefties and branded nazi's for wanting to prevent muslims from taking over britian.....or the UAF and other such organisations..who pretend to care about something they dont understand and strip people of there freedom of speech.... wonder if nick griffin wrote a book they would burn it?
  10. £2.5.0 is that 2 pounds 5 shillings and no pence? sounds good shame am not into country!
  11. £30 quid! wonder what happens if i just make up a false email!
  12. what a sham! 99% of the audience was either asian or anti bnp. the only good thing to come out of it was that jack straw couldn't answer straight and that baroness warsi was a homophobic. there was no freedom of speech on show every time griffin opened his mouth the panel and the audience jumped on him calling him a racist etc!
  13. Monsta®


    wey them protesting out side are making even bigger d!cks off themselves! there probably all halfbaked from smoking banana skins and drinking white lightning!
  14. Monsta®


    just seen this and i can honestly say i am lost for words! what a bunch of halfwits!
  15. looks like a clean install is required!
  16. Monsta®

    The Bill

    a give up watching that years ago! same with the hospital one etc etc tha all a load of bollicks but they'll never beat dr who! what a load of *@*!*".
  17. Monsta®


    now there's an idea! i can see it now it would be a bit like the running man only with immigrants instead of prisoners!
  18. Monsta®


    Does the UAF (unite against fascism) not realise that there making it worse for themselves, honestly if they had just let Mr. Griffin appear on question time with our all the protests etc the whole thing is now completely hyped by the daft idiots. A bet Mr.Griffin is laughing his arsse off! All thefree air time on news channels!
  19. probably play.com as you save on postage! its 68 quid for home premium upgrade malarki! thats quite cheap up against vista when it first came out! as i recall vista home was about 80 or 90! think al wait for the "Your versoin has expired/ your copy of windows is not genuine" to pop up first!
  20. wey it'll only be a load of cidered up chav's and the mongs from the tavern who'll be in any danger so i think they should get the grinder out and sharpen them up! it'll give a new meaning to a spliting headache from drinking tavern pi ss
  21. doubt i'll be going to craster any time soon! but read this its full of rubbish diagrams and interesting facts, like kippers are only golden because there soaked in a brine bath before smoking! and i thought it was because of the smoke.
  22. english oak i think but its a top secret technique and nobody wamt to let on!
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