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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. probably because your now the minority pete! claim racism and ask for compo!
  2. probably is as long as its not the beef curry! it was rank! think the chef went a little heavy on the salt
  3. ok i'll give you there all different colours! and there a slightly different shape, but if you squint there as different as vauxhall and an opel!
  4. exactly so why fetch out an electric car that could tarnish the cars rep!
  5. whats the point no ones that interesting! love to see what steviewonder was writing about! suppose so would he! :lol:
  6. the beef curry from the panda inn stinks!
  7. it says the areas without plates at the moment are to have railings attached it will all become clear at completion.
  8. its not far off finished and will not look much different! as its modeled on the model t ford! why! the model t belongs in the history books you dont see boeing copying the wright brothers designs for there latest plane! or p&o ferries copying the titanic! its a bit dissapointing that they cant come up with an idea of there own. probably why f1 cars all look identical
  9. there down the oval opposite the airey houses! sad its just past guy fawkes!
  10. it would be as much use as northumberland council!
  11. where is beaufront park? looked on google maps and its not on? so it the place behind the copper station!
  12. supposed to be loads of needless violence and it comes with warnings! sounds fun. as for the biggest selling video game! doubt it although they'll bend the figures as they do all the time!
  13. honestly did he forget his glasses or was he pissed?
  14. why just the ring leader? do the other shits not need battering to!
  15. join a league that's alive and kicking! pm me for the code!
  16. why do these rockets always look rusty? can they not afford the paint?
  17. good job you joined hp's league is looking rather dead!
  18. i can see a price hike if the isp's are forced to police the net! typical not only do the fat record companies win but the isp's will have a free spell to hike up the broadband prices for a while!
  19. morpeth is not on til sunday! whats the point in that? its like having xmas a week late!
  20. the "n" stands for the mediaplayer that come with the version as far as i can find out! im still in the dark! windows vista was a let down because it was a rubbish os windows 7 is becoming a let down cause its too fn confusing what happened to the three standard versions like you got with 2000 and xp i.e home, pro and mediacentre! wouldn't care i've just sold my mediacentre xp version on That online auction site that is in no way as good as Free Bedlington.co.uk Classifieds! am doomed to use a pirate version again!
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