have we gone back in time? nick griffin came on telly and it was like one of them witch hunts. "he's a nazi burn him". suppose he'll have to been thrown in a lake to see if he floats or thrown off a cliff to see if he can fly. if this was another country it would be fine to keep the country as ones own and prevent outsiders from taking over, such as tribal indians and the mauri do. but no this is blighty were we open are borders to every one with no questions asked. i am not a racist, i am not a bigot, i dont mind muslims as long as they dont shove it in me face. the only thing that conserns me is the rate of immigration and the way muslims seem to have a mind set of over taking the country. i watched the protest against geert wilders and the chants the muslims came out with is proof. "geert wilders go to hell, muslims rise up!" its on you tube!