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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. should the police have tasers? no they should have ak47's and midi guns strapped to there cars!
  2. what! vibrant, thrusting top end! vibrant maybe but thrusting!!!
  3. austrailia is full of decendants from murderers and robbers, plus there al backwards not to mention there wierd obsestions with sheep
  4. i would be nice to have a decent supermarket in bedlington! anyway hopefully they'll put somerfield out of business as its over priced and grotty!!!!
  5. airey houses what thats just a common term for them! in the eyes of the estate agent/mortage lender/ bbc homes under the hammer they are called prefabricated houses! this was to aid the mass house shortages after the war! so get your facts right!!!
  6. when exactly was that? bet they also removed the mamoth herds too!
  7. see theres a tesco at the moor house farm round about! its definitly on the way!
  8. Monsta®


    good point its like telling a lion tamer to control the loins by speaking to them!
  9. i know where you can get plently of them! garden centres !!!!!!!!!11!!!!!muckyfingas!!!!!!!
  10. is that the black bridge by the bank top pub? if so which side of the water are they on? blyth or bed?
  11. Monsta®


    they say playstation games and modern films are to blame for gun crimes! what about westerns? they've all got guns and have show downs in the street! and thats not frowned apon.
  12. Monsta®


    they'll need more than riot batons! when they got glocks, desert eagles, ak 47s, uzis, rpg's etc! the thought of coppers with batons! blood bath!
  13. i it was the local fight club! when it shut down northumbria police had to lay off half the force!
  14. so did me granddad at the top on fontburn! long time ago!
  15. what zeppelin came here? anyway theres a canny bomb crater down the burn! whats now earth ballance!
  16. Monsta®


    cause its full of monkeys!
  17. craggy island! so i could have a drink with father hacket!
  18. are you blind or do you never venture past beech grove? there's a whole estate at the oval as i noted in the opening post! so its a very valid post!
  19. what? nor they check the ground! nen body builds on mine workings unless they have been filled in! nor it was the concrete foundations were made from sub standard concrete and it cracked!
  20. nor ar think tha scummy rip off merchants! and they want kicked out of bedlington! banish the perries! bunch of cowboys! they meck rogue traders look like saints!
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