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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. or maybe there a new kind off scarecrow to keep the immigrants out!
  2. yes i to find this very odd and if i was an afro american would find this to be rather offensive and stereo typical! not all afro americans are drug pushing pimps and only those that waste there precious lifes think its "cool" not the kind off message a community forum should be sending out!
  3. nah they'll see the light!! and give them there money back
  4. some people are neva happy! what do what them to do a jig or something? i think there ment to resemble the people on the prom looking out to sea, contemplating there life in the north east! so why would they be doing breaking dancing moves?
  5. i dont realy its just a fustrating place to live!
  6. i they wont pulling back down and built properly! have you noticed they've all got matching burglar alarms! what a mess!
  7. whats your predictions? i reckon 2-1 to bed terriers
  8. you call them public lavatories? the market place one you need wadders to enter! and the one behind the blue bell is just plain scary!
  9. doubt that would work! and am not going to try! just have to stick to the trusted milk crate!
  10. at least there free! they would be deserted if you had to pay!
  11. alreet then if ye pay me entry fee's! and here's a link to there web site! bedlington terriers!
  12. and your mod because? you !*!@# off bedlingtons one sporting success!
  13. that's a bit far fetched! thought you was a black crack dealer from the hood?
  14. who ye talking to? quotes please! or some clue!
  15. this forum is about bedlington yet the sports section never mentions bedlingtons own football team! why? i think this is just disgusting!
  16. what tha's only a hand full! nowt worth shouting about either dirty mange pits the lot of them!
  17. so a tek it you never found the end of the rainbow?
  18. from the lips of mr serious himself! split from tott! ******
  19. cause there all off to blyth, cramlington or ashington to do some proper shopping!
  20. probably smoking CKs crack rocks!
  21. he's having delusions! probably thinks am santy claus!
  22. you into smoking crack? better use some vasiline next time! bum fun!!!
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