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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. thick as in stoopid! i it was a typo av only got a little keyboard!
  2. so this may take some time as your think as a plank!
  3. chicken! name them or walk in shame forever!
  4. the shame! the shame!
  5. Monsta®


    swedish heavy metal hahaha bet its rubbish like rammstien!
  6. must have the patience of a saint!
  7. bit like mattel toys are dangerous! which is a fact!
  8. Monsta®


    here's a point how come you never see the parents cry? ever! most parents who have lost a child break down the minute they start talking about them! fishy!
  9. couldn't give a monkey's! and am not a mr darn/miss vic so get bent if he thinks am gana lick his !*!@# !
  10. nor that doesn't have a Y
  11. Monsta®


    whats candlemass?
  12. hypocrit what you doing know? going of topic!
  13. i but we don't want your rules back it gets mind boggling and fustrating! closing topics cause there 10 days old! and chopping up topics!
  14. where they got the idea to call it a shower i dont know! i seen a few nowt like they said it would be like. where was the 40 to 100 meteorites an hour? more like 4 to 10 an hour
  15. am i in power to do anything? no so the only thing i can do is "whine and wish!" maybe my dream may come true! and the power that be "should do something" to keep the populus of bedlington happy! instead of thinking whats best for them!
  16. go on pete the rock god!
  17. who's ganning out side to watch them?
  18. practice! start with a supaeasy one!
  19. nen point wdc is finished and there will be nen places in the new council as the fat cats will have acquired them!
  20. here gobin got elected so av got a mighty fine chance!
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