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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. Monsta®


    is that him that had raisbeck? i remember ganning to school on jordans buses!
  2. the third one down looks like him of the telly! him that had a pit shaft in his garden! fred dibnah!
  3. spartans thats blasphemy that is!
  4. i a remember the club were nettos is! it was built to the same standards as the perry project! sub standard! then it got pulled doon! they used dodgy concrete!
  5. Monsta®


    not even close! $25000 per party
  6. Monsta®


    wey have a guess! AL BUY THE WINNER A PINT!
  7. i was at cambois beach today tekin me hoond for a !*!@# when i glanced over towards newbiggin to see the chimney of the alcan power plant belchin out black smoke! is there not a law that prevents that? and i thought they had to have specail filters like the power station had to fit! they wont fined for it!
  8. round the corner from the wharton. or should that be it is the whartons toilet!
  9. Monsta®

    Vote For Mod

    ar would have three votes tee if a voted for me sel!
  10. Monsta®

    Vote For Mod

    so who is the new mod ganna be as miss vic is never on nowadays? like a bat out of hell!
  11. Monsta®


    stopping gun crime can only be a good thing! but did you know that there are 4 times as many knife related crimes!
  12. Monsta®


    how much does Nepal charge for climbers to follow in Hillary's footsteps on Everest?
  13. Monsta®


    nor a divint think shes deed a think a mother and father know something but aren't saying owt! thats why they never look sad or distrest! and aren't they getting a round the world holiday out off it!
  14. i and it ends up at the top end boot sale! every thursday!
  15. Monsta®


    i they all go to see where harry potter was filmed! sadly its nowt like the film when you gan
  16. not only does it stink it attracts chava's! some where to drink there white lightning! spackers!
  17. i a wonder if tha ganna tourch bebside to?
  18. here's a mad idea! instead of al this bother with charging us for disposal of are rubbish, why dont the powers that be charge the companies that over package things! cause lets face it thing are over packaged if they kept packing to a minimum my bin would be just about empty!
  19. i but the thing is pete you wouldn't pay for it with coucil tax! you would be paying for the scheme separatly! so doubt it would cast much more! if you take care of what you throw out it could save you money!
  20. el greco afro blackie am not chicken!
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