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Everything posted by Blank

  1. I voted Vivaldi - we share the same birthday ♥ Besides, Baroque owns.
  2. You're all calling him a child abuser based on a combination of the media crap you read / watched at the time and what you all want to believe happened. What PROOF do we actually have that Jackson abused children? None. And actually these claims were only put to him twice; in 1993 and in 2005. To say Jackson 'paid off' the accuser is rubbish and just shows how little most people actually know about either of the two cases. I can't be bothered to argue the toss though; people will believe what they want to believe so all I'll say is get on and enjoy your horrid little fantasies.
  3. What kind of closet?
  4. It looks like the Jackson family aren't satisfied with the verdict of there being no "foul play" in the death of MJ... makes you wonder how someone who passed a medical not too soon beforehand and who was practising for 3 hours a day for his concerts in London suddenly ends up in a body bag.
  5. Blank

    Fallout 3

    I played it through a while back, one of the best games I’ve played on the 360 – did you unlock the ‘Explorer’ perk? Thought I must have completed most of the game until I unlocked that, turns out I hadn’t even discovered half the locations on the map. Managed to complete it as a saint although the temptation to blow up Megaton and let the zombies invade Tenpenny Tower was massive. If you liked Fallout 3 you might like Oblivion, it’s made by the same people and it works in the same way except it seems set in the middle ages rather than the future.
  6. I've never used the place... only because they only seem to sell shoes for the over 70's. Still, it's a shame to see a shop closing that has been around for so long
  7. Really don't like it when it's all white.
  8. Any guesses as to where the £500,000 from the sale of the Golf Club will go now that it has been decided that it won't be spent on 'leisure facilities' at Gallagher Park?
  9. I agree that people should try to make the most of things, but the fact is, a lot of people think that our town deserves a lot more than it gets. We've missed out on so much over the years and yet we've had to sit back and watch our neighbouring towns get handed facilities and services left right and centre. The council promise us everything and yet deliver us nothing. Why? Personally, I can live with having to travel out of town to do shopping and spend my free time, but what about the people who can't for whatever reasons? You said “saying there is nothing to do is rubbish” – well what is there to do for anyone?
  10. Sounds !*!@# to me...
  11. Mrsvic is breaking the forum rules by posting a smiley without any explanation! This behaviour is totally unacceptable; no wonder everyone on the planet thinks this website is a joke! Oh, and double standards!
  12. We don’t all live in council houses. If everyone who didn’t like living in Bedlington decided to move out of the place would there be anyone besides you and a few more easily pleased residents still living here? There is more to it than that. People stay for other reasons - family ties, schools, work commitments etc.
  13. Don't you ever get bored with yourself?
  14. April Releases: Puzzle Quest: Galactrix: April 1, 2009 Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena: April 7, 2009 Godfather II, April 7: 2009 Hannah Montana: The Movie: April 7, 2009 Ninja Blade April 7, 2009 Flock April 8, 2009 Velvet Assassin April 14, 2009 Damnation April 21, 2009 Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 April 21, 2009 Can't wait to play Hannah Montana!
  15. Blank

    Gaming League

    Thought of any yet?
  16. Either that or the Xbox chewed it up
  17. Blank

    Resident Evil 5

    Resident Evil doesn’t have the same atmosphere as Silent Hill but then it depends what type of games you prefer. Resident Evil is more of an Arcade / Shooter game whereas Silent Hill is a slower moving game which requires more thought and skill.
  18. Blank

    Xbox 360 Vs Ps3

    Sounds good to me.
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