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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. In a bid to raise fire safety awareness Northumberland Fire & Rescue Service are offering free household safety checks in the Northumberland area. Crews are scheduled to visit homes in Bedlington, Cramlington, Blyth and Ashington as well as other locations on request. As well as offering general fire safety advice 10 year smoke alarms will be fitted in households that do not currently have one, free of charge. Even if you already have a smoke alarm statistics show that in one in every eight house fires attended by fire and rescues services, the smoke alarm failed to work, largely due to flat or missing batteries. Follow Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service's six essential smoke alarm tips to make sure you push the button, not your luck: Fit smoke alarms on every level of your home. Check the battery once a week. Replace the battery every twelve months. Battery smoke alarm units should be replaced every ten years. Consider installing ten-year battery smoke alarms or mains-powered alarms. Do not put smoke alarms in the kitchen or bathroom. To arrange a visit or for more information, call 0800 731 1351
  2. Cympil

    Gaming League

    Good idea! But it might not be possible??
  3. Cympil

    Gaming League

    They`re only a free trial though..you only get to play a few games then you have to either buy the game or uninstall it.
  4. Nomination packs are now available for people wishing to stand as candidates for the three new parish councils which are being created in Bedlington. The town will be represented by a total of 29 members split between West, North and East Bedlington. Nomination forms are available from Jackie Brodie, Elections Officer on (01670) 532290 or jackie.brodie@northumberland.gov.uk Elections will be held on June 4, anybody wishing to stand must have nomination forms returned by 4pm on Thursday May 7. For more information contact the deputy returning officer at Northumberland County Council on (01670) 533210.
  5. Cympil

    XBox Live

    My Xbox live account user-name at the moment is Revenger2007 I`ll be changing it in a months time because i`ve used my account i first joined up with, but all my scores and achievements are on another account You can tell i`m new to this
  6. I`ve just started watching Hell`s Kitchen with Marco Pierre White. There`s only been one programme on but there`s one contestant that`s getting on my nerves already and that`s Grant Bovey. He`s such a little know-it-all..He`ll not last long with the other contestants that`s for sure..
  7. So they were around in the Fifties then? I know the Basers were out in the 70`s..
  8. Were they not Baseball boots you`re on about? `Basers`
  9. Cympil

    XBox Live

    I`ve sorted my Xbox live out now..what sort of games have you got? Other than Guitar Hero/Rockband, the only other proper game i have is Burnout Revenge. If i know what you play on i`ll see if i can borrow or buy a one.
  10. Cympil

    Gaming League

    All the Bejewelled games require registration as far as i`ve found..there`s a one on Facebook but it`s only a minute long so not much use.
  11. Cympil

    Last Orders at the Blue Bell

    The Blue Bell Inn situated on Front Street West is the latest in a string of Pub closures in and around the town. Neighbouring residents recently applied to have the premises licence reviewed but the pub landlord left of her own accord, and before the application could be considered by the Licensing Committee. A sign currently on the window of the premises states the grounds for license review as the prevention of crime & disorder, public safety and the prevention of public nuisance. Bedlington Neighbourhood Sergeant John Heaton said: "We are committed to doing all we can to ensure Bedlington is a safe place to be and the Blue Bell pub has been a thorn in our side for quite some time". "The levels of crime and disorder associated with the premises were unacceptable and when the community told us that they weren't happy with what was happening in the area we took action." "The sale of alcohol requires responsible and robust management and if these responsibilities are ignored we will look to work with those involved. However, if this fails we will work with our partners and look to review their licences and if need be revoke them." "Licensees have a key role to play in their communities, ensuring their premises are responsibly run and preventing crime and anti-social behaviour. As ever, it is a small minority who cause us concern and these are the ones which we, along with our partners, are targeting."
  12. Cympil

    Druridge Bay 10k Charity Run

    The third annual Druridge Bay 10k Charity Run is to be held on Sunday 24th May. The event supports a different charity each year, and this year the good cause is Grace House. This registered charity is currently raising funds to build, equip and run an eight bed children's hospice, for children across the North East. They point out that at present the North East has the lowest number of hospice beds for children in the whole country. The run, organised by Red Row Sports Club, starts at 10:30am. It is open to the over 16's or to over 13's accompanied by an adult. Closing date for postal entries is 1st May 2009, limited to the first 1,000 entries received. Though you may also enter on the day by paying the £17.50 On the day entry fee (subject to availability).
  13. It`s explained HERE I didn`t think we`d be seeing Woolworths again
  14. Woolworths is coming back..online! http://www.woolworthsblog.co.uk/
  15. In an incident unrelated to the tragic North Sea helicopter ditching which claimed the lives of sixteen people on 1st April, Willow Bridge, Choppington man David Stephenson has been named as the worker to lose his life working aboard a Well Servicer operated by French company Technip on the very same day. Technip is an oil services company quoted on the Paris Euronext stock exchange, and claiming to employ 23,000 people worldwide.
  16. Cympil

    Gaming League

    That would be a lot easier i suppose. I quite like Bejewelled..i`m off to have a look for it
  17. Do you not like the grey? What other colour would look better do you think?
  18. The site looks fine the way it is now. Is it a lighter grey? or have my eyes just got used to it?
  19. Channel Four TV's recent A Place In The Sun feature on Bedlington meets with universal disapproval! "It's a desperate place Bedlington; at least that's what it was made out to be on national television." ""¦maybe a campaign to ask channel 4 to redress what we see as a slur and ask them to do a better profile for Bedders?" "All the town needs is a bit of investment, sort out the wasteland near Tescos, convert Elliotts garage and the church hall and the whole place will be looking much better. "¦ Nowt like sucking the life out of a town and watching it die whilst chucking money at a town like ashington!" "Bedlington is class. Screw you Channel 4." Join the discussion here: www.bedlington.co.uk/community/topic/1921-bedlington-on-a-place-in-the-sun/
  20. I like the look of the site now, not quite sure of the grey but i could get used to it.
  21. There`s another strange carry-on happening with the league..i`m third at the moment with 6 points, but according to my table i`ve only got 5 points? Anyone else`s scores mixed up?
  22. Are the drinks on you the night then
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