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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. Cympil

    Xbox 360 Vs Ps3

    As far as i know. That`s more than enough for me, you save around 39 quid on every new release plus play it weeks before it`s released
  2. Very nice But i`ve got two
  3. Cympil

    Xbox 360 Vs Ps3

    After your console has been chipped you can play copied games.
  4. I was going to guess at an MG of some sort..but decided on a Giulietta Spyder..1955
  5. Cympil

    Resident Evil 5

    I haven`t seen it yet..a might get a copy and have a go
  6. 12.10am - 4 vans - 1 ambulance - 2 dogs
  7. That can`t be right. You should be paying the same rent as everyone else in your street, well, the houses with the same amount of bedrooms anyway. The rent is only meant to go up once a year too. You`ll have to go and see them and ask why they`ve done it.
  8. Cympil

    Jade Goody

    I didn`t start the thread because `someone off the telly` is dying. Whether she is on the telly is neither here nor there, what she does as a job is pointless in this. The point was/is, someone is dying when she really shouldn`t be. She has an illness that could have been prevented. No doubt there`s thousands of others that this has happened to, but since they`re not `on the telly` we don`t hear about it. Of course i don`t know Jade, and my reaction has absolutely nothing to do with me thinking i do know her. or my own fears of mortality. I`m well aware that we`re all going to die, personally i don`t fear it, i just hope it doesn`t come too soon. ..again, back to the reason for the thread, it`s came soon for her when it didn`t have to be like that. If i was in her position (meaning in the media) i`d probably do the same thing. Because as that is her `job` so to speak, she`s able to make sure her kids are going to be ok when she`s gone. She`s basically `working from her death bed` I fail to see why that is bad taste? In my opinion, the folk that`s watching her every grimace then saying `it`s bad taste`, they`re the ones that are feared of their own mortality`
  9. :lol: Firefox is the browser i`m using and i usually get my images from Google. I just search images for what i`m looking for. Mr Darn will be along soon, he`s a bit more savvy with this sort of thing and might be able to explain things better and while he`s on he could maybe move all this off Blank`s Birthday thread and put it in the computer section
  10. Cympil

    Jade Goody

    I can not believe she is profiting from this very sad and unfortunate illness. In my mind it just shows the depths some will go to to make more than a few bob. I mean is she really doing this to raise awareness? Or is she doing this to fill her own pockets? She isn`t doing anything to fill her own pockets. Any money she is making is in a Trust Fund for her kids. She wants them to have a good education as she didn`t have one herself. That money is to safe-guard her kids future, as she won`t be here to look out for them. She`s also raising awareness so that other women won`t have to go through what she`s going through. if she really wanted to raise awareness and had a mere smidgen of scruples, she would directed a fair percentage of the vast sums she is earning to those that help cancer suffers and research, and to those who's job it is to promote awareness of the illness. She is donating money. How much i don`t know, but i know The Royal Marsden Hospital has recieved the fees that her friends got for appearing on `This Morning` and shes been giving to some cancer charities. In regards to the children - I would hazard a guess there will already be a substantial amount of money in the coffers from previous earnings After her stint in Celeb Big Brother when all that Shilpa Shetty stuff happened, her earnings stopped. No-one would have anything to do with her. Money dried up. So again this comes back to the reasons Jade is doing this and in my opinion it is all in bad taste, and has less to do with promoting the illness and bringing awareness - it's much more about the dosh going into her pocket! The money wouldn`t be much good in her pocket. Unless she was planning to take it with her?
  11. It`s easy enough ..Find the image you want to use, right click on the image and go to `copy image location` Come back to your forum topic, click on the Insert Image icon and paste the web address of the image into it This is for Firefox anyway..
  12. Happy Birthday Blank. Hope you had a great day!
  13. Does this apply to all kinds of things or just computers?
  14. Well this is it! They come to our door, start with their gobshi`e, and most folk know what is coming..but for those that don`t..best way of dealing with them is just say `Not interested` then shut the door in their faces. If they get a chance to get a word in you`ll be there for hours.Spouting their sales pitch to anyone thats interested. And i agree, there should be a law against it. They`re worse than Jehovas them lot.
  15. Bah, good for Dave but i`ve done crap the last few weeks Still, i`m not giving up..i`ll get my crystal ball out
  16. Get them telt! They make me sick. They get away with murder them lot. Bunch of thieving gets. Let one more Npower employee or any other energy company employee knock on my door and i`ll make them flee. Effin sick of the lot of them.
  17. :lol: Well not to brag either, but i use shanks pony
  18. Cympil

    Dante's Inferno

    Barbie??? No thanks
  19. Cympil

    Dante's Inferno

    If i was a bloke i`d love it That`s a thing i`ve noticed with the 360, it seems very male orientated game wise..a proper blokes console. All this shooting and killing etc...I`ve never really found any girly games, other than Rockband/Guitar Hero, but even then i wouldn`t call them girly as such..more bisexual?
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