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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. For those that prefer the older games, theres a new collection of Sega Mega drive games that has been released for the Xbox 360 and PS3.. Games are.. * Alex Kidd In The Enchanted Castle * Alien Storm * Altered Beast * Beyond Oasis * Bonanza Bros. * Columns * Comix Zone * Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head * Dr. Robotnik's MBM * Dynamite Headdy * Ecco The Dolphin * Ecco II: The Tides Of Time * E-Swat * Fatal Labyrinth * Flicky * Gain Ground * Golden Axe I * Golden Axe II * Golden Axe III * Kid Chameleon * Phantasy Star II * Phantasy Star III: Generations Of Doom * Phantasy Star IV: The End Of The Millennium * Ristar * Shining In The Darkness * Shining Force * Shining Force 2 * Shinobi III: Return Of The Ninja Master * Sonic 3D Blast * Sonic And Knuckles * Sonic Spinball * Sonic The Hedgehog * Sonic The Hedgehog 2 * Sonic The Hedgehog 3 * Streets Of Rage * Streets Of Rage 2 * Streets Of Rage 3 * Super Thunder Blade * Vectorman * Vectorman 2 Just released today apparently Here`s hoping they bring out a Nintendo collection soon, as i think they had the better games!
  2. Do you use the pc for gaming Monsta? If so, what games can you recommend?
  3. So do you know any pc games which would play just using a gamepad?
  4. Good idea there, but i was hoping for something i could just play using a gamepad without actually having to set my controller up or download anything. I like things that are easy and hassel free as possible
  5. Cympil


    Thanks everyone
  6. Anyone know which PC games can be played with a gamepad and not a keyboard/mouse combination? There`s a lot of folk say that games on the pc are a lot better graphic wise but i`ve always been put off by the fact i would have to use the keyboard..or do i? Any kind of games would do, as long as i can use a gamepad
  7. Cympil


    Cheers That game is gonna take some practice, but i`ll have top score in no time
  8. There`s more than enough room for that white tip van there! With their lovely drainpipe, high waisted, 2 ft wide thigh jeans
  9. I heard a while back that it was moving to the car park beside the library, not sure if this is right or not though. If it`s moving to the place the European market was, it`ll be after Tesco has finished all the building work (if it ever starts)
  10. I`m suprised you even know that NPower have tried to increase your Direct Debits..normally they just help themselves without any knowledge of it happening! And i`m also doing their job for them, i`m forever having to write numbers down, constantly check usage and see if it`s adding up correctly, i`m always having to watch my back with them..they should be investigated. There`s so much on the internet about their sly ways..it has to be illegal. Looks like there might be investigations going to happen with the energy companys..about time too. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum...tml#post1837937
  11. That`s just what i was thinking
  12. I heard that name too..There`s some details here, although they say that the cause of the fire is unknown, i heard it was a chip pan fire. http://bedlington.journallive.co.uk/2009/0...ngton-fire.html
  13. You`re a hard worker aren`t you Mr Darn Or should i have said `hard work`
  14. I noticed it was closed, whether this is for good or just refurbishing i don`t know. But the way things are going there`s a good chance it could be closed..hope i`m wrong though.
  15. 53,000 in 9 year? Can you not walk to the shop like?
  16. Cympil


    That would have been me Granny coming out the pub
  17. I hope so..this has never happened before. Mind you, i`ve left the results that were in just incase they`re winners
  18. There`s something weird going on in my Prediction League I just logged in to do my predictions and noticed the bottom two for the 14th and 18th of Febuary, already had results in? Portsmouth 1 Man City 1 and Man Utd 3 Fulham 1 ??? I`ve never put those results in? Anyone else got this problem?
  19. “They have these pictures that stand out a mile and people will see it and start pointing and making comments and laughing,” she said. No pet, they`ll point and laugh coz there`s a geezer in a bra and high heels tottering past.
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