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Everything posted by Symptoms

  1. No, no, no, Adam! A Geordie is somebody born on the NORTH bank of the Tyne and within 'hockling' distance of it. Folks born south of the Tyne are black'n'tackers; those webbed feet horrors who emerged from the slime of that fetid stream an few miles south of the mighty Tyne are known as mackems. You're correct that folks born in Bedlington are Northumbrian not Geordies. My original objection to CBS's mangled warblings was about how he has reverted to howling in a Geordie accent when he normally speaks in a mid-Atlantic version of Received Pronunciation ... to my ear it sounds plain wrong. It's almost like Betty Saxe-Coburg and Gotha squawking like a Cullercoats fishwife ... imagine that pre-War clipped English, mixed with a guttural Berlin twang, overlaid with 'winkles, penny a pint'. That's what the CBS sounds like.
  2. Why was Glebe Court knocked down? They look to be reasonably modern ... or maybe that was the problem.
  3. I never had a really pronounced accent, however, when I got to London as a student in '69 my Tutor suggested elocution lessons ... cheeky sod. Of course I refused, and I'm glad I did. At the time regional accents were looked down on by the metropolitan elites but subsequently became fashionable. My issue with folk like CBS and Robson Green (a really bad offender) is their deliberate attempt to change how they speak ... it just sounds fake and in no way can be described as a natural modification due to 'new' influences.
  4. It was also a distant landmark for all those returning home ... my long train journey from King's Cross to the Toon, the hike up from the Central Station to the Haymarket, the United bus to Bedders, turning into the A1068 off the A1 there in the distance the power station. Nearly home!!!!
  5. And what about Windscale? Our very own nuke accident. Our younger viewers may want to Google.
  6. The Cramlington Budgie Strangler and the Benwell Basher were both seen at the Palace V Toon match. Whilst I applaud CBS's efforts at immortalising the region's past I just can't listen comfortably to his mid-Atlantic twang attempting our accent/dialect ... it really does seems false.
  7. Why should Fritz care? Why should Fritz worry about his lights going out? He'll march over borders and capture his neighbours' generating capacity! He's done it before, he'll do it again!
  8. For I have sent this to my first born as it saves a visit to the shops to buy a birthday card. My flock also have no idea the cost of postage from up here.
  9. There is but one and one only from your humble village with sway up here and I will visit upon him soon. The peadings of my handmaiden Maggs will not go unanswered for I have this very day visited upon my top servant ToonBish thunderously demanding chapter and verse. The poor flock abiding in your humble village may fall to their knees in prayer and seek the answers they crave.
  10. Who's organising the wrinkly bash? Is it the Church/School or is it a local group who hire the hall? Before any action good intelligence gathering is vital.
  11. It would be good to get it over the web ... I can't get it on my cat's whisker set.
  12. Ok, we know the big lass in the middle is Maggs but which one are you Canny? My money's on the one in specs, also in the front row.
  13. Northumberland National Park and Kielder Water and Forest Park have been awarded Dark Sky status: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-25297684
  14. Here's some more: Netherton Pit Old banner: Netherton Pit new banner: front of Netherton banner and reverse: Ok, you'll notice it says Seaton Burn but it IS Netherton's. When Netherton pit closed the banner was recycled (a common practice) for Seaton Burn pit. Look closely and you'll see the patch sewn over the name area. Cambois: Cambois & Bates (Yep, Adam uses this one): Pegswood: Seghill: More to follow.
  15. It is Audrey Wise: I don't think it's Chris Mullin ... Mullin isn't that tubby but there is a similarity
  16. Here you go Maggs ... in glorious Technicolor:
  17. Foxy wrote: "The Junco Partners at Whitley Bay last night........................fantastic!!!!!!!!" Surely not the Rex Hotel ... if so, maybe there's a bit of a space time continuum going on. I saw them a few times there in the late 60s and I've got some of their albums up in my attic.
  18. Perhaps Fred West lived there?
  19. After his news conference yesterday Tom Daley seen with his 'friend' Wilf:
  20. Agent Wilf making his escape from Jockoboss Salmon ... seen here running in a North by Northwest* direction across the border: Satellite image courtesy of the British Intelligence Service *our younger viewers may have to Google "North by Northwest" for the cultural reference.
  21. Yep, that lass in the front center certainly has extra layers on ... she's not you Maggs???????
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