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  3. Darryl Simm, of Bedlington, admitted robbery and nine offences of theft at Newcastle Crown CourtView the full article
  4. This is why Labour is in trouble from day one, and the next five years are going to be an utter mess. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/06/21/britains-debt-soars-highest-since-1961-general-election/ The only party that will tackle these astronomic debt levels is Reform! Reform won't punish ordinary people for what the establishment did to the country. The deep cuts need to be to bloated government and the hundreds of totally useless quangos with their non-jobs for the politically favoured - not to front line services. Immigration also factors into the vast overspend. Discuss...
  5. @Rachel H - I've never been to the Northumberland Archives at Woodhorn Colliery but no doubt it's the place where you could spend houes/days searching for historical records of the area. If you are on Facebook the group Bygone Bedlington admin is John Kyzyznowski and he works at the Woodhorn Archives and might be able to advise you where to look🤞 https://northumberlandarchives.com/
  6. Thanks Alan. I think you're right. I've had a good trawl over the years! Kurri is a few doors down from me and there have never been pics on those posts either. I have an unusual house, no windows were originally built at the back of the property, supposedly so the Pit Manager who lived here didn't need to see the pit from his home. Our house survey also mentioned a shaft in our back garden. Lots of history but only speculation I think. Never mind!
  7. Last week
  8. @Rachel H can't remember ever having seen any early 20th centuary photos of Netherton Lane on this group or the Bygone Bedlingto Facebook group. There have been a couple of posts where a huse named Kurri Kurri gets mentioned on Netherton Lane but no photo.
  9. Thanks a lot,CL,for all your kind advice!..on the subject of Audiobooks..heh heh..My youngest Son has been a Recording Engineer/Producer,and now Editor of Audiobooks for nearly 20 yrs!!..we have a few in the house already,what he brought for his Mam to listen to..a while ago,but she couldn't get into them,so one night I started to check one out,and got into it the first five minutes..but didn't intend listening to it all..my spare [!!] time is spent wi my second love..my guitars!![I am easily pleased in life!!].I see the RVI Consultant Opthalmologist in a few weeks time..so we'll see what happens..I surrendered my driving licence back to DVLA a few days ago..mind,that's like cutting me legs off!! Apart from aal that moaning aam aareet and Chinkaplonka!! Cheers Bonny Lass!! Billx
  10. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/who-should-i-vote-for-quiz/ And the result was: So, I paid my £25 and joined! https://www.reformparty.uk/become-a-member Anyone bold enough to publish their results?
  11. I'm looking for old photos of Netherton Lane, particularly the area around the cemetery. I live adjacent to the west lea side of the cemetery fence, my house isn't on the 1900 maps at Woodhorn but is there by 1905 so I was hoping to try find some old photos of what it and the area originally looked like. Any help would be lovely - I've tried and failed to find much info in the past - the downfall of having a home likely once owned by the coal board! Archived info isn't easy to find I thought I'd try again whilst on Maternity leave with a bit more time on my hands! Sort of...!
  12. Ticks a box for me in any election! If it's really as good as the BBC wants us to believe, then loads of people will pay voluntarily - won't they?
  13. I happened to catch a segment on MSNBC last night where they were slamming the New York Post coverage of Biden's visit here. Apparently all the stuff appearing on the internet is "disinformation" too. So - if you believe the Democrats are totally sane people - you really should disregard this! What no one seems to have mentioned is that Joe also managed to headbutt a visibly alarmed Pope. His absence from the local dinner was excused as due to "tiredness" but, as they've surely got him pumped up with drugs during the day, it conveniently avoided the embarrassing photos of him crashing out. In any other theatre, they'd be charged with elder abuse.
  14. For an eighth prediction in the light of what I've seen of Joe Biden this week, down here: Joe Biden won't be allowed to continue as POTUS by his own Democratic Party. The lying media can't continue to cover for his mental state very much longer. Quite how they get rid of him is going to be an interesting watch, and those who pull the strings are leaving it very late. This event will come as shock news to the leftist hive mind types who blithely absorb every bit of garbage the mainstream media circulates. No one in their right mind could contemplate Kamala Harris taking over from him (the ultimate woke job placement) so they have a really tough task in timing this. His obvious replacement Gavin Newsom has made such a hash of California that the next Democratic candidate will likely be some relatively unknown Democratic state governor. If they do select Newsom, it's another gift for Donald Trump, but I will leave this as just one extra prediction. We live in interesting times!
  15. Earlier
  16. Please no! Pneumonia awaits in that climate. You're actually going to need some industrial grade wellies, now that Rishy's parade is well and truly underwater! 💦💦💦💦💦💦
  17. John Ginty was serve five years and three months in prison and an extended licence period of four yearsView the full article
  18. Seriously, though, the locals are up in arms here about the traffic disruption. There have been potholes filled that have been like that for years, and that's in places where the G7 leaders are never going to go! The sky has been thick with helicopters, costal surveillance aircraft and military drones. I could post you some pictures, but it will likely violate some security law. If they are discussing so-called climate change, then there's an awful lot of hydrocarbons being burned in the process. But you'd expect that sort of hypocrisy from the globalist elites anyway! For those who don't know what I'm on about: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/13/welcome-to-the-most-unpopular-g7-summit-ever/
  19. @HIGH PIT WILMA There are loads of useful gadgets and equipment available through the RNIB - Royal National Institute for the Blind (and partially sighted). Have a look at what's available on their Northumberland RNIB site: https://www.rnib.org.uk/sightline-directory/organisations/bid-services-northumberland-867d6c8c-25ac-4997-9fe1-7bdcb6f1edfb/ ... or better still, get in touch with them at their Morpeth office: Address: Office 3D, Austin House, Sanderson Arcade, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 1NS Phone: 0121 246 6100 Email: info@bid.org.uk Web: https://www.bid.org.uk/locations/northumberland/ If you like reading contact the local library about audio books and large-print newspapers.
  20. I'll just get my tap shoes out of retirement and I'll be right behind you!
  21. You could be waiting a long time even though the GE 'should'' show there are a few hundred thousand of them around. I will still be singing and dancing in the rain doo be do do, do be doobe dodo, doo be do do, do be doobe dodo, doo be do do, do be doobe dodo
  22. I believe we are stuck with party politics for that lack of a better system, I don't support any particular party but tend to support the person I believe or trust (regardless of the party). I can't remember a party being voted in rather than a party being voted out! Changes from what we are getting to what we would like to have. I remember the days of a little black car with a tannoy on top bellowing "Vote Alf Robens, for the working people", My biggest party peeve is If you are for it then I'm against it, no matter how good it is.
  23. Hi Canny Lass!..many thanks for your kind reassurance and good advice..it is much appreciated!..aye,my Sister is ten years younger than me,and she has had Glaucoma since she was a lot younger..and has had Cataracts removed,and she is still enjoying reasonably good vision,but she has never driven..with me ,and others like me,having to stop driving is like cutting my legs off!!..but I'll get by!! The medical team at the RVI are magnificent!..aye,aam on two sets of eyedrops morning and night..have to see the team in eight weeks time..I do 't drink coffee,and not much tea ....and I aam a teetotaller ,so hopefully things will stay stable!! I thought my laptop screen was fading,cos my pit pics are ,or appear ti be,fading..but's it's me gaan bliind ye bugga!!.. Cheers folks,luvly ti hear from ye's again!! Bill.xx
  24. Even if you're one of those hate not hope Labour voters who always wanted to see the "evil Tories" obliterated [I'm looking at you, Symptoms], it makes not the slightest bit of sense to give your vote to Labour this time. Labour is pretty much guaranteed their turn in the cosy duopoly that has existed for our lifetimes, so a Labour vote IS a wasted vote. The ONLY way to ensure that the globalist creature laughingly named Conservative is banished from history is to vote for Reform. Reform won't take power, but they will consign the Conservative Party to the dustbin of history after a lot of kicking and screaming. A comeback will only be possible if globalist Labour throws their globalist Conservative buddies a lifeline. If you still haven't woken up in the 21st century and smelled the coffee, then see today's Torygraph for full details of the rout: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/12/tory-2019-voters-say-conservatives-deserve-to-lose-seats/ I really really really would like to hear from a Labour voter on why they think voting Labour is a good idea. I've asked several Labour supporters this question, but they've gone uncharacteristically silent on the matter. It's almost as if they know that they are acting irrationally, and are embarrassed to admit this to themselves. Please feel free discus.
  25. The council's deputy leader says stations could be added and the line could reach as far as NewbigginView the full article
  26. I spent a good hour with that Eggy - a literal trip down memory lane! Although... Memory Lane seems to be missing a few buildings! Thanks for posting it.
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