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Posted (edited)




PS. Malcolm, the pictures you posted are replicas of the ones I have ready. (The Michael Caine clown is from the film SLEUTH - brilliant.)

I am making these far too easy, I've got to toughen the connections up - but don't fret, I have a cunning plan.

Now as far as your prize goes, I think it should be a joint award, so I think it only fair you should both participate in the Mongolia-Siberia tandem bike extravaganza next spring. You will start at the Kamchatka Penninsula, then pedal down into Mongolia for the annual yak herding contest in Ulan Bator, from there you will cross the Takla Makan desert to look for the legendary Death Worm (as seen on Fortean TV) and then you will just have a final sprint finish to the Urals. (Pack your bicycle clips) Now Merc' do you want to do this before or after your paris Bungee jump?

Edited by keith lockey

legendary Death Worm

Now here's a funny thing; my friend Jimmy and me actually looked at the feasibility of launching an expedition to find the death worm; cryptozoology is a favourite of mine.

Now Merc' do you want to do this before or after your paris Bungee jump?

mm, let me see, before please.


You sure Merc.............post-23-0-98736600-1349183074_thumb.jpeg

Yes, we genuinely did. I think there were several pints of strong ale involved in the decision.


Think you nailed it Malcolm!


Malcolm's our very own Superman, Merc, how the hell he has not been arrested, pestering folk on the front st on a Fri / Sat night dressed like that is beyond me. Never mind Malcolm I agree, think you must be right......... Keith, hand him a prize befitting a super hero




Bette Davis Eyes..............Kim Carnes

James Dean.....................The Eagles

Michael Caine...................Madness

Robert de Niro's Waiting...Bananarama

Superman.........................Stereophonics (Brilliant this)

Either you lot are getting better or I am losing my mojo.

Now about your prize. Oceanic Enterprises are about to replicate the Titanic....


Not that good Keith: Titanic!


Of course, Played Captain Edward J Smith.

Posted (edited)

Of course, Played Captain Edward J Smith.


Absolutely correct. They have played the captain of the Titanic in variuos films & TV films.

Good one Merc.

By the way, everyone, sorry for the delay in posting this - the reason is I'VE GOT A JOB.

I applied for the job at 9am - got a phone call at 10am - informal interview at 11am followed by offer of said job. Hopefully all will go okay with the paperwork, etc. So that is why the delay.

Now Merc', I'm sure you are on tenderhooks about your prize. Take some valium and prepare for the experience of a lifetime.

I have procured for you a place with Chipperfields circus as their new lion tamer. The former lion tamer had a digestive problem - actually it was the lion's digestive system that he was having trouble with, him being inside it....anyway. The circus will supply you with a whip and a chair and a year's supply of clean underwear. (That's if you last the year.) The perks of the job are sticking your head in the lion's mouth twice a day - three times at the weekend, stroking it's chin, preferably from the outside. The downside is you will have to clean out its litter tray once a day. Now I'm not saying pussykins is big, but they use a skip for it's litter tray. You can start as soon as the autopsy is over on the former lion tamer. Good on ya mate. I can hear you weeping with joy from here.

Until my next batch of mystifying mugshots. Adios amigos.

Edited by keith lockey
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