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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. The move to the new server is now complete and you should be seeing some super fast loading times as a result. I've also reviewed all user group settings and allocated more generous limits for image dimensions and file sizes.
  2. Happy to help... How on earth do you lure little green tourists?
  3. SSBrbmV3IEkgbWFkZSB0aGF0IG9uZSB0b28gZWFzeSA6cA0KDQpTdGVwcGVkIGl0IHVwIGEgbm90Y2guLi4= 05ab8130e053938390f81da0924d9583 Although not impossible I'll be really impressed if you manage that one
  4. OK to clarify some obvious confusion on this point ... This system has always been there but like others have said very rarely used. I upgraded the site to use the latest version of the software last week and the information is presented in a slightly different way than it was before which is why it is only now becoming obvious to you. Previously the information was only presented in the profile view (Only to you and other moderators). Now it is shown alongside posts again only to you and other moderators. That is the only difference to how it has worked for many years. In summary it appeared where it does now because of the upgrade to the software as a whole. It was not something that was intentionally changed or added. If anybody has any strong feelings it is a simple matter to turn off the warning system and a poll has already been suggested if anybody feels the need. Speaking as somebody intimately familiar with the software having written part of it myself I believe I'm qualified in stating that the information is categorically not published as 3g has mentioned already. I do, however, agree that showing "0 warning points" to a user with none is a little redundant and has potential to alarm those not familiar with how the system works. I will see about implementing that change for a future version.
  5. Q29tZSBvbiBwZW9wbGUsIGtlZXAgdXAhIEkgZGlkbid0IHNhbHQgaXQgYW5kIHVzZWQgYSB0d28gd2F5IGVuY3J5cHRpb24gbWV0aG9kIHRvIGdpdmUgeW91IGEgY2hhbmNlLiBIaSAzRyA6KQ== All your base are belong to us.
  6. Does the Ridge Farm still have hotel rooms? Did it ever? Am I imagining things?
  7. Fixed, though you should be able to edit for a short time after posting
  8. http://survey.northumberland.gov.uk/ashington11/alcproject.htm *grabs popcorn*
  9. He has his phone connected to debugging software, naturally it will output the actions of the phone, keypresses etc. That's what it's supposed to do. Nowhere in that video is there any evidence of the data actually being logged on the phone or transmitted back to the carrier which is what he is implying.
  10. If you only found 400 you haven't looked hard enough
  11. If you need help getting to the news page, please be sure to sign up for the computer course in online basics
  12. Subscribe to the calendar or the news feeds here and you (and hundreds of others) would have heard about those events instantaneously. The heritage day was advertised here in the news section, the journal and the news post leader as well as shop windows and through flyer distribution. Soon you'll also be able to tune into quality truly local radio. The tools are most certainly available if residents genuinely want to be notified about these events.
  13. Bedlington Heritage Fair taking place Saturday 10th September (10am-3:30pm) in Bedlington Market Place and other venues as advertised. The Fair is being run as part of the Bedlington THI. It coincides with events and activity by St Cuthbert’s Church...
  14. I love tracking these down. When you can't reproduce a problem it takes much longer to identify. I have more questions unfortunately. Which browser are you using? Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari etc? and which version number? Can you please also try pressing ctrl+F5? That will ensure you have the latest copies of any javascript being used. It is possible you still have cached copies from the old version. Is anybody else having problems editing?
  15. Is it repeatable? If you try and edit a post now does the same thing happen?
  16. The green strip is normal. Whereas before you would get no warning that posts in that forum need approval now there is a note. This is to prevent people wondering why their post does not immediately show in that forum once it is submitted. I just logged in as you and was able to edit, what specifically is not working when you try, what happens? Do you get any error message?
  17. Moderators can bypass queues. Northumberland chat is working normally, posts in there require approval regardless of whether you are a guest or member. For avatars, the new version of the software has done away with the distintion between Avatars and Profile Photos as the concept was confusing. There is now only a single profile photo which appears everywhere. It does mean however that some people will need to re-add their photos.
  18. Which posts are you referring to? Nothing should have changed in that regard. There have always been some forums that require approval to post in, such as the announcements forum.
  19. It's a module of the software that we're not using here but I was testing with for my day job. I'll get that removed to avoid confusion.
  20. When did you sneak that up? Some guard dog.
  21. Ikea do this too with the restaurant sited within smelling distance of the kitchen section.
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