Someone else here that wishes to applaud your spirit, but I'm curious, what are your plans beyond the actual facebook group? Once again this sounds like a case of "let's form a facebook group to get peoples attention" without any real thought beyond that. There are now several of these groups and the more often people are invited to them (with no follow through) the more diluted the potential effectiveness becomes. Another group isn't really necessary as between this website with it's strong links to community groups and town councillors, the Xmas lights group and a couple of the smaller ones the vast majority of people are already contactable. So my question is what do you want to do with this audience? You have people waiting to flick the switch if there's a meaningful plan? Otherwise I'd urge you not to unwittingly demoralise people further. There needs to be some substance in any proposal. It's no good saying "we want this" we need to be saying "we want this, this is how we think we can make it happen, what are you going to do to help us?"