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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. On Thursday 25th March at 6.30 pm at Bedlington Community Centre a public presentation will be made by the specialist company (Knight Kavanagh & Page) into the findings of their study. ALL ARE WELCOME.
  2. Another first for Bedlington.co.uk http://www.bedlington.co.uk/news.html/_/news/academy-school-proposed-for-bedlington-r12
  3. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Business/Foxtons-Estate-Agents-Reports-Loss-Of-218m-In-Companies-House-Account-Filing/Article/201003215569363?f=rss
  4. At a Northumberland County Council executive meeting this afternoon, March 8th, council were asked to support a submission for a new Academy School for Bedlington. Councillor Andrew Tebbutt agreed this support in principle but stated there was a need to consider any budgetary implications. Working group partners have been identified and it was agreed to support and move the project on. An Academy is a school that is publicly funded with some private sponsorship but remains independent of local authority control. Since their introduction in 2000 they have been met with mixed reactions over their effectiveness. Supporters of the schools point to benefits such as improved GCSE results and an increase in innovative and creative methods of solving local issues. Critics claim they are costly, ineffective and a ruse to enable the privatisation of the education system. They also regularly come under attack due to the pupil selection criteria they employ. Speaking about the proposed Bedlington Academy, Councillor Reed said he hoped this initiative would address some of the underlying social problems parts of Bedlington experience, some of which are in the top 10% most deprived areas in the country.
  5. They could sell the rest of the Elgin Marbles
  6. Certainly not helping to promote other local community services. I can vouch for that!
  7. Interesting. Same engine in the Focus ST
  8. And pressing them NOT to put obstacles in the way of those people attempting to do this
  9. Someone else here that wishes to applaud your spirit, but I'm curious, what are your plans beyond the actual facebook group? Once again this sounds like a case of "let's form a facebook group to get peoples attention" without any real thought beyond that. There are now several of these groups and the more often people are invited to them (with no follow through) the more diluted the potential effectiveness becomes. Another group isn't really necessary as between this website with it's strong links to community groups and town councillors, the Xmas lights group and a couple of the smaller ones the vast majority of people are already contactable. So my question is what do you want to do with this audience? You have people waiting to flick the switch if there's a meaningful plan? Otherwise I'd urge you not to unwittingly demoralise people further. There needs to be some substance in any proposal. It's no good saying "we want this" we need to be saying "we want this, this is how we think we can make it happen, what are you going to do to help us?"
  10. You wouldn't be complaining if Banksy "tagged" your wall. http://frigginloon.wordpress.com/2008/12/02/banksy-turns-derelict-pub-into-valuable-real-estate/
  11. I've just walked past it and didn't take a photo, sorry. Will next time I pass. It's got some "good" graffiti and some pointless scrawling over the top of it. Pretty sure there's an aardvark in there.
  12. Doesn't he have a twin on the wall by the Gap site?
  13. Keep hearing things about the snowboard cross being a good one to watch. Not seen any of it yet though.
  14. Yep, I'm with Monsta on this one. http://www.bedlington.co.uk/community/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=quick_search&search_sort_by=date&search_sort_order=desc&search_term=wetherspoon&search_filter_app[forums]=1
  15. I've always been confused as to how people can possibly get caught up in Phishing scams but now I know Hilarious.
  16. Read the comments All because this article temporarily replaced the actual facebook as number one in Google for "Facebook Login" http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/facebook_wants_to_be_your_one_true_login.php
  17. Might also be a good way to encourage news contributions.
  18. Can't believe I'm doing this... http://workspace.officelive.com/en-GB/Learn-More I feel ill now.
  19. Now do you realise why getting people to share printable "posters" is not as easy as it first appears Malcolm There is a file format for this purpose known as pdf which is intended to display the same on any platform unfortunately average joe is usually only aware of Microsoft Word.
  20. Sorry if you don't have a copy of office. Seems the old bill haven't heard of PDFs Still, it's one step up from the typewriter the NYPD have. NHW bedlington 6 feb 10 new.doc
  21. Found this which shows "Mitchell Robert, governor of the workhouse" which would suggest one did exist. That's the Parson & White trade directory from 1827.
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