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Vic Patterson

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Everything posted by Vic Patterson

  1. Yes the weather is a major consideration in our daily lives, but I wouldn’t change it. The nearest towns are Hinton (100 miles) to the South and Grande Prairie to the North (120 miles) GP is a small city. NOTHING in-between towns, Edson is regarded as our pit stop, it’s half way to Edmonton (area) where our three daughters and their families are scattered around. Most small fires are first attacked using choppers dumping water, then larger fires get water bombing aircraft. Ground attack teams (heli-tack) is a big part of controlling the fire, cutting fire breaks to steer or extinguish the fires, we have teams from Africa, Australia and USA and other parts of the world. 2016 city of Ft McMurray burned to the ground. Pop 88,000. Canada 5,500 km east west, 4,500 km north south. One week just driving across, but I’m sure they won’t be driving coast to coast, but they can and would enjoy. I’m the smoke will be gone and they can see everything! Lots to see. Let me know if there is anything I can assist with their trip, (I was thinking of possibly visiting Blyth/Bedlington next August!)
  2. Hi Alan, It has been an extremely bad year for fires and other weather conditions, we only had one local fire which was soon spotted and extinguished , but Alberta has suffered many large out of control fires. Many towns being evacuated, some several times. It started when we got 42c temperatures and no precipitation. A few of weeks ago I made a trip to the city to visit the family, (great grandson 1st birthday) nearing Edson (250km) it turned dark, actually darker than night! Headlights on, animals on the road, ash falling like snow, Edson was evacuated an hour later for the second time, population about 10,000. four days later on my return trip I was diverted 200km. Smoke has been a major issue, from our fires and those in British Columbia, sometimes so dense you cannot see down the street, breathing can be difficult especially those with existing breathing conditions. After the worst of fires were over it started raining, lots! The scorched earth could not hold the water, and yes Edson was flooded and evacuated again! Throw in a couple of tornados and yesterday I made a vet trip to Hinton (100km) and drove through 3’’ of slush! (Three weeks ago my potato crop was flattened with snow) Many remote northern towns only have winter access using ice roads and have no way out other than river or flights Canada has lost 10 million hectares of forest so far this year, Alberta 2 million. Hmmm I wonder how much % that contributes to "global warming"
  3. Ah CL this explains why we haven't heard from you for some time, so pleased to hear you are recovering, again! Yes Covid is still around, I believe it will always be here and just considered another Flu with more deadly symptoms. Our health is so important as we get older, take care.
  4. How will this affect Bedlington? Good? Bad? No change? https://www.northumberlandgazette.co.uk/news/politics/new-name-for-berwick-upon-tweed-constituency-while-wansbeck-and-north-tyneside-seats-to-be-abolished-4200276?fbclid=IwAR3Dt4wiY7vr8-RFjnd4ZbIIKfrRRMXSprS3dcfe6P7LBlIoYxTAWSkGZ9E
  5. Buy a newspaper? We don’t have one! In the city (Edmonton) I think they still have two but the local stage coach no longer brings them here, Oh that’s because the local stage coach no longer comes here! So we have to watch the very biased TV news or the follow faithful “Facebook” to get the “truth” My mom used to send us the Sunday Post so we could follow Oor Willie and the Broon’s and Blyth News, I enjoy reading newspapers and I encourage friends to bring one back from their vacations, I like reading the different points of views especially from foreign counties. The sad part is seeing politics and PC crowd have completely take over what we see and read, it was always there but not as bad as it is today. Now the only true news is in the obituaries.
  6. 8 years! that's almost new! my newest vehicle is 2010 used mostly for out of town travel and my daily driver is 2001. Lead acid batteries will loose over 60% power at low temperature, what is the drop for EV type batteries? (I'm sure it must be less) My other vehicles don't need batteries!
  7. 1/ I enjoy researching anything I buy, but I don’t think many others can or do, using manufactures information is a good starting point, using several manufacturers can give you a clue to the others good/ bad points. But don’t expect any of them to give the bad points. 2/ Very true about front end loaded, and consider the lack of future maintenance, oil changes, air filters, exhaust etc, THEN there is the eventual EV battery life, replacement and disposal cost. 3/ Hybrids, without a hybrid I couldn’t make a round trip to the airport to pick up family! Especially in the winter, no present vehicle has the range and the lack of charging stations to make it possible. 4/ Good point. 5/ Range is the most important consideration in my location, (see #3) at present lack of charging stations, cold weather reduces range considerably and is further reduced by the need for winter heat, windows and body. With the eventual addition of charging station this will add to the range but a lot of time to journey. 6 and 7/ 100 % of charging will be at home. The cost of electricity has skyrocketed recently (ours has) while petrol prices have also risen, the price of electricity is sure to go much higher as the demand grows. (And the Greener we get)I expect the electrical distribution infrastructure system will have to be improved to meet the new demand, especially in the older housing areas, (most houses don’t have garages, how do you safely plug in? And multi vehicles) we don’t have off peak electrical rates. 8/ 300 mile minimum WINTER (-20c) driving would be my minimum. Newer, lighter and recyclable batteries must come first. Threegee, What improvements have you seen in the four years? What is it and what are its good points? Range? MPG $ equivalent ? Typical trip milage? Any negatives?
  8. Hi Alan, Great weather here in Grande Cache and yes long way from Eastern storms, 10c here today and I've just moved 3ft snow from the garden as its melting fast, ice fishing huts are off the lake, rivers are opening up, spring is just around the corner, birds will be returning and the bears will be wakening up soon, but snow forecast for Wednesday! Just had some of my family here for Easter, the first visit to the mountains for Great grandson (baby)
  9. Wishing everyone a happy Easter.
  10. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-64754879
  11. Darn it! I missed it, Congratulation.
  12. Happy new year everyone, Bill and Kath, wishing you both the best of health.
  13. Enjoy your flight everyone, have a safe and happy journey through 2023, Safe landings and a happy new year.
  14. In which century was the term ‘Xmas’ coined Twelvlth Which saint is celebrated on 26th December St Stephen How many reindeer feature in the poem ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ 8 What is the name of the last ghost to visit Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’ Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come Why did the other reindeer laugh at Rudolph His Red nose Stollen is the traditional fruit cake of which country Germany In which direction should you stir sweet mincemeat for good luck Clockwise What is a female turkey called Hen Before turkey, a traditional English Christmas dinner included a pig’s head smothered in mustard. True Part of the Christmas celebrations in Oaxaca City, Mexico, is Noche de Rábanas. Which food gives the festival its name Radish Which Christmas food is considered to bring good luck if eaten on all of the twelve days of Christmas Mince Pie Who designed the first Christmas card, sent in 1843 John Callcott Horsley Which country is the largest exporter of Christmas trees Canada How many days do we have between Christmas and the Epiphany 12 Which of the following was NOT a gift given by the wise men to the baby Jesus: Frankincense, silver, myrrh, gold Silver Is there a Mrs Santa Clause Yes Which country is credited with the Christmas beverage Eggnog Britian From which country is the Christmas tree, traditionally placed in Trafalgar Square, London, a gift Norway Who tracks Santa’s location on Christmas Eve? Bonus point for when it started. NORAD 1958 In 1946 Nat King Cole recorded a song about “chestnuts roasting on an open fire”. What was the name of the song The Christmas Song Merry Christmas to you all.
  15. Thank you Malcolm, and wishing all of our forum friends the same.
  16. Yes, Oddfellows, you got it, thank you Alan, we looked at it on our visit, after realizing this road now a no entry!
  17. Can anyone remember the discussion about a pub on the corner of Hollymount Square, (opposite Smail's shop and before Edie Clowson's) I've searched all over for it, I had pictures showing the doors and windows that had been changed when it returned to being a regular house.
  18. We will remember them.
  19. Hi CL, yes had a good Thanks giving but a quiet one. Our trip went very well, the family enjoyed the visit but alas too short to fit everything in, it does leave something to go back for! Hopefully they will get to take their children and grande children back and be able to show them their roots. We found their old homes, Friends, schools, shops and beaches and had a family reunion, even popped into the Red Lion a few times to see if any of our forum friends were there. I thought the town was looking very nice, I had expected dome and gloom but quite the opposite , clean and tidy, Church and cemetery was looking very nice the entrance upgrade, buildings and roadways, we kept looking for more Bedlington Terrier type seats! (a few in the cemetery would be nice!) The flower displays were still blooming and looking very nice, credit to those looking after them.
  20. Wishing everyone a very happy thanksgiving. W
  21. Yes it would have been nice but as you say maybe another time, we are getting around lots and meeting many of our old friends and relatives, old haunts, schools, dwellings, love the ocean and beaches etc
  22. Hello all, just enjoying out visit to our old home and haunts, all my “children” with me, still the nice town it was.
  23. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Frealnorthumberlandmurky.blogspot.com%2F2022%2F07%2Fconservatives-stop-parish-council.html%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3QYM_nckmpEJIL-HCB7EN1f94dgW7S8GZ9cPI063aE2fx2CE-qZjudupM&h=AT2H2lfLZWScGT_sadUBjpJ-0bXq78dyCHnxw369egbhwpQ3UzhOCWMRvPCw-NDKMH5V7dkMqXrv5Q6jhfm1_zHCeF9sN87ufuqNAzXckXnrgLTlLewxLx8OxKiyDCLo4gV5I3tvm3KPGdRUo-yVFck&__tn__=%2CmH-R&c[0]=AT1RAzMEsZdsB_1qW2CLyCX1HnJPbkFipxl7YHz9-E1Kqyy0bT6s54ja7sKQ-JJ7Xq71D4xN1UhOgJMMAk-XFjXAca6RMbpWjfaPFYnrS7wwHs7pICPbU9jEnFX94Yx6niX__EBycIwEIebT5RvVNdhg0CMXJXRG1TZwN8-4YevzkNaK2DbLG73fhH_SbKGt5w2avh2cFaxV8XY7hDo
  24. In my opinion "Best value" is not giving in too what most believe to be justice! Best value would be seeing obvious justice. regardless of the cost.
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