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Everything posted by Pete

  1. I remember Mr Hunt and Mrs Gorman, I believe Mrs Gorman's name was Miss Hamilton before she got married. There was also Miss Anderson and Miss Tallantyre, Miss Scot was the headmistress, she moved to the station school and was replaced by Mrs Topping who was from the station school. One of my long lasting memories of Barrington school was the day the King died, we were all ushered into class 1 and sat round an old radio to listen to the official anouncment of his death. I do not remember the schools closing in them days when it snowed or is that just a modern day thing?
  2. Monsta, am I supposed to predict the scrores for this challenge? I have accepted but not sure of what I am supposed to do.
  3. Does this mean that we now refer to you as the Doctor.
  4. Mine works fine, everything where it should be, got a copy of word for sale if your interested.
  5. Whey its better than nowt, can I have my name on it.
  6. If theres no trophy, how about a trophy for the runner up?
  7. According to the latest news they have denied it, say;s he was just genralising
  8. personal i dont think the tescos expanstion will get built due to the bigger Morpeth store having the go ahead. why have 2 big tescos within 4-5miles within each other. Tesco have two super stores in Leicester on the same streach of road and they are not more that three miles apart, not sure why they have done that but I would suspect its to stop the compertition.
  9. Hello Merlin, betting shop na I would probably lose my shirt. That was the second trophy for December as I got one for Leauge 2 and promotion to leauge 1, get in.
  10. Happy new Year hope you all have a good year.
  11. Happy Birthday all, hope you have a fantastic day.
  12. Pete

    R.i.p Santa

    Santa Lives! But sadly Top Cat is dead. Though at 91 that's a pretty good innings for a cat! Catastrophic news, thats just over 10 years for each of his nine lives
  13. Pete

    R.i.p Santa

    No point me leaving any sherry out tonight then and here,s me hanging my stocking up in the hope I was going to get a Bedlington.co.uk mouse mat from Santa.
  14. How about a free mouse mat for all of us that can not enter this competition because we no longer live in Bedders.
  15. Thank you, had a quiet day in home, well the grandkids were here if that qualifies for quiet. Took them to the carol service last night they seemed to enjoy it
  16. Happy Birthday Hope you have a good one, station club perhaps or staying at home?
  17. Have a superbly wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year
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