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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Power to the people, keep it going Stephen
  2. Your right there Brian, I could just see one of them in the fountain at Alnwick gardens, mind you it would make a good visitor attraction.
  3. Useful web site that, if you check the link to the maps the 1938 map shows both names in use.
  4. I always knew Bedlington was full of Yupies
  5. Thats the place, Seven Stars steaths, ah well I thought it had summit to do with Alcan.
  6. Merlin I am sure that the fishing in alaska would be much better than the North East but you would have to contend with the bears. bit to cold for the salties I remember years ago being told that the first salmon caught during the season had to be given to the Duke of Northumberland not sure if that still is the case or weather its a falacy
  7. No Merlin, go past where the power station used to be down towards the old steaths the one with the railway line running to it, did that not used to be Alcan?
  8. Merlin I thought there was salmon in the river Aln?
  9. Ah well if they only eat lawn mowers then there allrigh they would be able to produce matal sheet
  10. Not sure if there is one at Newbiggen Vic as I have not lived in the North East since 1966 but I think there is one at Cambois. I am sure the locals on the forum would know.
  11. Fifty miles an hour! If I had one of them I could throw the exercise bike in the bin. How long can they keep running at that speed Brian?
  12. If I correctly understand what you are saying there then I could not agree more. Whilst I appreciate that you are referring to Bedders there is a wider issue here, the power barons (big brother Gordon and predecessors) would like to plant thoughts so that we become dependant on them, ask Joe public a question in the street and possible answer is what the MAN say's. Sorry if this does read right or make sense but I know what I mean.
  13. Just as well they have not got them in Tesco's
  14. Just had a look at Kitmat Vic and I see that it was built and owned by Alcan as a company town, so if there's plenty of salmon there it makes sense, out of the water into the tin. Its quite a journey compared to UK distances.
  15. Its a long way to go to catch salmon Vic
  16. I would have a delicate tummy if I seen one of them walking up the street
  17. I hope not because I want to see the Toon win the championship
  18. DId not say I could use it, just said I have got one, still using the the old oil drum burning trees off the park in the middle of the living room.
  19. Just as well because he would not get down my chimley ave got a gas fire
  20. It does not let me edit my post now, Help
  21. Whats happening Fourgee all the posts are out of line and twisted and theres big gaps to the left?
  22. Not sure why it was changed but the following link shows that it streched as far as the Station. http://listsearches.rootsweb.com/th/read/NORTHUMBRIA/2005-06/1119510958
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