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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Rather watch paint drip off a dry brush
  2. Incorporating a Bedlington terrier show into a summer fair is a great idea, as you say it may bring in valuable custom from overseas visitors (Bedlington terrier owners) but would the accommodation i.e. bed and breakfast or hotel be available. Not living in Bedlington anymore I don't know what the situation is with regards to accommodation but doing a web search the only one it turns up is the Swan at Chopington , just a thought.
  3. If the road was good you might miss your stop
  4. It was good fun, especially in those days as we all wore short trousers until we were about twelve years of age.
  5. That brought back some good memories, the old footbridge, we used to run up there when the train was comming to let the steam run up our legs, good old days
  6. Happy Birthday Doglover hope you have a good day.
  7. Pete

    Streaming Video

    Strange result it appears there is another exchange but its the same distance as the one I thought we were using and according to samknows it does not support wireles.
  8. Pete

    Streaming Video

    ISP is BT We are quite a long way from the nearest exchange approxamatly two to three miles by road, not sure how far as the crow flies.
  9. Pete

    Streaming Video

    Just tried that site, Result: Download speed = 0.50mb/s Ping speed = 112ms
  10. Pete

    Streaming Video

    Just ran a down load test, Download speed = 0.50mb/s Ping speed = 112ms Not sure what all of that means but you may be able to make sense of it.
  11. Pete

    Streaming Video

    Yes using that method it works fine but could a long extension lead be causing a problem?
  12. Pete

    Streaming Video

    Thanks Monsta I have tried some of those solutions but with no luck, some video runs fine some drops out, it may be that Fourgee has hit the nail on the head it could be my internet connestion. I am using a BT connection but I have got quite a long extension lead from phone socket to router, not sure if I install a wireles card whether that might make a difference.
  13. Pete

    Streaming Video

    Definitly not using hi-def but tried your suggestion of pausing and it does work but it is a bit slow. Perhaps time has come for a new computer
  14. A need a haircut Brian if you want to send one across
  15. Pete

    Streaming Video

    Having problems with streaming video, constant stop/start as though computer cant handle it. Using pentium 4 Radion graphics card 1 gig ram Windows XP Anybody any ideas?
  16. Exactly, as I said before in another post my youngest son goes on face book to play poker with his friends whilst tapping messages out on the keyboard mainly making arrangements for the weekend and where they are going and what he did today. Perhaps I am passed it I still use the old fashioned method called the telephone
  17. Interesting link, I think the following quote from that blog say's it all:Successful forums have a purpose. I've seen hundreds of "My Chat Site†forums appear and vanish as quickly because they offer nothing unique. Bedlington.co.uk has a purpose.
  18. Fourgee would it be possible to have a link the other way? The only reason I ask this is becasuse there was a link to a video on face book (Bedlington Christmas lights switch on)posted tonight but unless you are a member you can not view it.I do not mean a link to all things on face book but a link to things like the above.
  19. Totaly agree with you and Fourgee, Face book can be used to make those that use it aware of issues about Bedlington but directed to Bedlington.co.uk
  20. Cympil, all I am trying to say is that its not for me. I know there are things on there that people may find useful, my youngest son is on there for hours playing poker with his mates and he enjoys doing that but I have no interest in it. I suppose I was lucky as I was reunited with a lot of old friends a couple of years ago that I had not see for nearly forty years (not through face book) and we have regular reunions, one comming up next Friday 11 December in good old Bedlington, Station club
  21. Theres a lot of people that I know that simply would not touch it myself included. My two daughters use it and one of my sons they use it to talk to there friends who live in the same street, dont make sense to me.
  22. Well as a not so net savvy tenager I have to agree, I followed a link on here only to find that I have to create an account on face book to be able to enter the site. I read in one post on this thread that there someone on face book thats 104 well thats great but its not for me. I have no interst in social networking sites and rely on this web site (Bedder.co.uk)to keep me informed of local issues and local news as I no longer live in the North East. So if its a choice between face book and beders.co.uk then youve lost my interst cos am staying here not face book.
  23. How long does the hunting season last Vic?
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