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Everything posted by Pete

  1. You could be on to something here Merlin, this could be the answer to Gordon's economic depresion, if we have a strict breeding program we could use the surplus to make shoes and the like, creating employment and wealth for the country.
  2. Are you sure a few thousand will be enough?
  3. There again they might be on holiday together,recruiting more asylum seekers to come to this country I from where I live no doubt I keep telling them about Bedders
  4. Halal bunies, thats nothing Merlin, you can only buy halal black pudding where I live.
  5. Its only been going the last twenty years and according to his speech some of his predecessors have eaten the turkeys.
  6. Only in America, he pardoned a turkey today so that it could go to Disneyland tomarrow, this is a world leader.
  7. Happy Birthday hope you have a great day
  8. No she's white and Labour Apparently there was a law passed in 1996, superseded in 1998 and again in 2004 which has been updated in 2008 that requires employee's to prove eligibility to work in the UK, sounds a bit like we are all being treated as asylum seekers or immigrants
  9. You could be right but I doubt whether I would get compo Apparently its the law according to my local MP
  10. Yes I have decided that I have got a whinge, Having been born in this country and worked in this country all of my life, paid my tax and national insurance and being nearly 63 years of age. My employer has now asked me to prove that I am eligible to work in the UK. Has anyone else come across this with their employer?
  11. Yes football every Wednesday on the astra turf, true that.
  12. Just had one Merlin, got wet through walking from the car to the front door
  13. Just could not resist |@@## ooh I like it
  14. Am in and I seem to have gone top
  15. Where has the PMs Gone I cant find anything?
  16. aye go on then I will PM you for the code
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