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Everything posted by Pete

  1. What is racism? If everybody in the world is part of the human race then the race issue does not exist, cultural differences maybe.
  2. Used the scanner myself it is good but it is lenghy
  3. Nikon D70 and Nikon 200 superb camara's
  4. I was in the minority when I arrived here in 1970, now I think I am the only one left, not many people speak English here.
  5. I have clicked the box changed it to Geordie but I do not understand the next step, sorry for being thick but can you explain it for me?
  6. Pete, And here's me thinking you were just a young whippersnapper! Voting in the seventies, I can now blame you for everything that has gone wrong with UK politics! As for the parking charges, the new Town Council have come out against any implementation. That's OK then!!!!!!! Glad to hear the parking charges are not going to happen, I can now return and park my car and take a leisurely walk up the front street
  7. his website looks a bit looney if you ask me! I have just read his web page and yes I would agree.
  8. its roger helmer ! ring any bells! his website looks a bit looney if you ask me! Does not ring any bells Monsta but thanks anyway, I did not vote for him, cant say who I voted for it may cause a row.
  9. No, give me another couple of nights to try and find it.
  10. I also take your point about people 'knowing' their elected representatives; do you know your MEP, arguably even more important than a domestic MP with the Lisbon Treaty almost in operation! I have to be honest Malcolm, I have not got a clue who my MEP is. I voted against Europe in the seventies when Edward Heath held a reforendom on whether we should join or not. I am against Europe but that is no excuse why I should not know who my MEP is as I did vote in the last MEP election.
  11. Well Malcolm, my last post may have been a bit misleading and you are correct that Joe public do not have a vote when it comes to electing a party leader, but I still stand by what I said. Party leaders are thrown at us (Joe Public) constantly by TV and news papers, the only time I hear about my local MP is in the local paper and there's not much of that, its usually the party leader that gets thrown at you. This is not meant to be offensive but if you ask people in your local area who there local MP is some would not know but they would know the party leaders. People vote for the party leader in a general election, gone are the days when we voted for the local MP like in the days of Edward James "Eddie" Milne the MP for Blyth, in those days I was not fully aware of who the party leader was simply because I was not been constantly thrown at me. I agree with your point about none elected people been put in a position of rule never having had a vote cast for them and yes it does show a total lack of respect by their leadership who are really saying that legally elected MP's are not capable of government positions
  12. Yes, but did he not fight a general election as the leader of the Conservative party and win it, mandelson, that sends cold shivers down my spine.
  13. True Malcolm, but with todays media coverage you do not see much of the person who is your local representative, on the other hand you do see a lot of the party leader and he was not the party leader I voted for. needless to say I will never vote Labour again. anyway any news on the parking charges?
  14. Is it a Lamborghini Countach Kit Car?
  15. I have never swore on this forum, !*!@# !*!@# !*!@# just had to try it
  16. Sorry Malcolm, anything passed the Journal online and I am lost, I was not even aware that he had a title. Unelected, now there's a thought, who elected Gordon as Prime minister?
  17. Well fourgee live might be dead for a short while but every time I log in, I am still in it acording to forum page??
  18. Gembala Avalanche GTR650 Evo
  19. Or is it the Ferrari Enzo 2002
  20. Ferrari 430 16M Scuderia Spider
  21. Happy Birthday, have a good day.
  22. Looks a bit like Alf Garnet
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