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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Not sure where these photos were taken but I don't think it was the Market Place club, will make inquiries as I will be in Bedlington Thursday for a reunion.
  2. Two photo's of an early sixties local Bedlington pop group.
  3. Yes but its good fun, snow balls I mean
  4. I like my work but I would rather stay at home in fact if there was no bills to pay I would. By the way have you given Rothbury its gas back yet or has the snow stoped play.
  5. I am 100% with Monsta on this one, it ok to have opinions as long as your opinion is the same as those that make the rules in this country, so it seems. If it had been a muslim that was coming onto the country to show a film about extremists they would have been welcomed with open arms by Gordon and his lot. I also agree with Thregee, Enoch got it right but nobody wanted to listen to him he was called blind by some labour MPs, what Enoch said, we are now seeing on a daily basis and it will get worse you will wake up one morning and the country will no longer be yours.
  6. We put up with it Malcolm because nobody wants to take that step and call for change and for it to happen it would take a large collective.
  7. I fully agree that we vote for the person, gone are the days when we listened to our local MPs and voted for them. the World has changed, we see the front man constantly on the TV and never really get a chance to see or hear the local prospective MP, the only thing I get is a bit of paper pushed thought the door telling me to vote for so and so but I never see them and I don't know them. I also think that seeing them on the telly never really lets you know what they are really like until it is to late. The Blair situation still riles me because I would not have voted Labor in the last election if I thought that Gordon would have become Prime Minister and I wonder how many would have voted for them if they had been honest and said Tony was quiting and Gordon would be taking over. I remember Malcolm saying in another post that it would not change until someone stood up and said enough is enough and thats the real problem, until we get a real political party thats prepared to tell the truth and not be afraid to say wrong is wrong nothing is going to change.
  8. You have got that one right Monsta, Kilroy nah, Alf Garnet might just be the man.
  9. As I recall under Major it was a similar situation as now although nowhere near as bad but wasn't it boom and bust years under him?
  10. I think its a choice of one Malcolm, Gordon may be Prime Minister now but I have not meet anyone who say they will or would have voted for him. The Lib Dem's, well I can not see them getting power, so that leaves Cameron and with Ken Clark now joining in I can see a bigger swing to them.
  11. A major depression, according to Mr Balls this is the biggy http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7880189.stm Nice ending to this article, Gordon makes another statement but didn't really mean what he said he meant something else.
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