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Everything posted by Pete

  1. No he took ill before the game, hope he has a speedy recovery
  2. To be honest Denzel I have been toying with the idea of getting a new car for the last four year and I still haven't got round to it mainly because of the reason that you have stated. I have had little or no trouble with it in nine years. The biggest problem is Vauxhall rear springs they don't like the speed humps.
  3. The way things are going Malcolm that could be true
  4. I live approxamatly one mile from the Park and Ride so theres two miles a day as I use this service monday to Friday, much cheaper that taking the car into the city centre. Don't use it much more than that really apart from shoping and the likes. Usally clock up near a thousand miles when in Bedlington as I like to get around visiting places, mind you that includes getting to Bedlington and back home.
  5. What you mean your not going ahead with it, I will have to unpack my suit cases cancel the caravan at Sandy Bay, I was really looking forward to a few nights in Denzels Bar, smoking my tabs and drinking the Guinness, listening to the best music in Bedlington. Ah well it looks like a couple of cans and me tabs in front of the telly.
  6. I do agree Malcolm we are in 21 century and as you say not a lots changed we still have poverty, hospital waiting lists etc and we are in a mess because of these political parties. Was it not Cromwell that changed the system and we are still living in that system although we get a vote and your right they do have short lists for constituencies. My local MP is a lady and Labor had a lady only shortlist for the area, I am not against women MP's but what happened to best person for the job. My local MP was the one that put forward the amendment for the smoking ban, a complete ban in pubs and clubs and working mens clubs, I do not see working mens clubs as public places but my local working mens club soon will be, it will be fill of demolition workers as the smoking ban has almost killed it and why? because someone who probably has never been in a working mens club made a decision for the membership and I very much doubt if she has a CIA membership card, bring on the ballot box. It is good to see Ken Clark getting involved again as I do have the greatest respect for him as an MP. I felt ha was a good chancellor of the Exchequer when the Conservatives were in government. Cable well your right he will never become a minister and no chance of forming a government. My problem with that party is they would sit on the fence to much before making a decision. Was it Blair that appointed ministers outside of the Labor party when he was Prime Minister or have I got that wrong? Just spotted this on the BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7877218.stm Perhaps Gordon ought to read it, ops I forgot he didn't mean what he said he meant something else
  7. Considering getting a new one myself as mine is nine years old this year, I have always bought Vauxhall but I am not mad keen on the new Astra shape. Mind you it has only done 53,000 in nine year, the biggest millage it clocks up is when I come to Bedlington as its roughly 215 miles from where I live.
  8. I could not agree more Malcolm about qualifications, sadly there are a lot of good people that can do a good job but do not have the bit of paper to say they can, the bit of paper sadly wins every time. I am not knocking all qualified people as there are some excellent people with qualifications Yes failure does get rewarded you only have to look at Northern Rock, the failures no doubt have the bit of paper that says they can do the job. Roll on the general election, theres gota be better that what we have at the moment. It's good to see Ken Clark back on the political stage.
  9. Pete


    Its true Cympil there was a report of one being spotted there, a dear that is.
  10. Well I am dissapointed, as I thought this thread was set up for the both of you. Come on Mr D, dont be shy.
  11. Pete


    The Toon won Merlin, I have heard reports that a small dear was spotted near the Banktop but it could have been something else mistakenly identified.
  12. Malcolm, I would be willing to stand up and say, enough is enough but I do not have the correct educational qualifications but I would give 100% support in any way I could to any new party that seriously wants to make change
  13. If I had manèged to get through to the local constituent office I would have preferred to speak to one of the assistants Malcolm, because I would have probably got more sense from them. My local MP before New Labour came into being could be contacted any time and he was a good man, oh how times have changed
  14. Wil we be having Bedlington's finest music bands performing?
  15. Congratulations. Where is Mr D I thought he would have joined the conversation.
  16. Dcs, data collector, is this a machine or a person?
  17. But what about my points HP, eh
  18. Insomnia left a while back, well a week ago, Joe said today he did not stand in his way. Both Given and Insomnia have now fired broadsides at the Toon in the last couple of days. West Brom tomorrow whats your prediction?
  19. Ah well that explains it, I thought for one moment you were going to send the cleaners in
  20. Will you rename it Denzels Bar?
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