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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Miximmtoasis or what ever they call it (can not spell it and the spell checker has not got a clue either) would be a better option.
  2. Thats not very nice, battering a mars bar.
  3. Not sure Stu, I haven't seen them myself for a while.
  4. I went to Barrington but I remember Miss Scott, she was originally the Headmistress at Barrington and then moved to the Station school. That was in the fifties. She swooped places with Miss Topping as I recall.
  5. Half as long, if you fold it in half.
  6. A catapult would have been more dangerous.
  7. Pete

    Where Is Denzel

    Good to see you.
  8. Because it is my home town, sadly I do not live there any more but I would move back tomorrow if it was possible.
  9. If DNA profiling helps to solve crime quicker and puts the truly guilty in the frame then I have not got a problem with it, ID cards, not sure.
  10. Yes I have reported crime in the past and nothing was ever done about it. I also agree with Threegee that statistics can be manipulated by government departments (He may not have used those words but I think that is where he was going). Level of rudeness well you have a good point there, I would say lack of respect seems to be on the increase more so with the youth of this country (not all youth) and they are the future.
  11. Do not do what the Boss Say's because he changes his bliddy mind ten minuets later and leaves you up the creek with out a paddle.
  12. It does not look that way from where I am standing Colonel. I agree with Monsta on this one.
  13. Where did you go, Mars?
  14. No flashing just pictures of Bedlington please.
  15. Have you given up on this idea Mr Darn, I thought it was a good idea and I was looking forward to more pics.
  16. Yes I like that one, I could just imagine that being true.
  17. Yes, roll on the day when they find a cure for that illness.
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