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  1. Pete

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    Thats a bit of a low one Colonel.
  2. To be honest Malcolm I can only see society getting worse over the next 10 - 15 years, we seem to be heading in the direction of a lawless society where none of the three major political parties seem really bothered. It is frightening to think what it will be like in 10 - 15 years, CCTV may have a vital role to play for a long time yet.
  3. I thought that was a gooden Mongo. the Colonels I mean.
  4. It could still be a runner Malcolm, go for it or you will never know what the outcome would have been. I would think there would be a lot of support for Bedlington becoming independent again, or at least having a bigger say in its affairs.
  5. I am sure that you are correct Threegee about Mr Tully having an appointment system but you could just turn up and he would see you (not like today). As you say the front room was the waiting room but as I recall there was a small counter near the back wall and there was a lady receptionist, this was in the late fifties early sixties. I don't remember a surgery upstairs but there may have been one. He was a very sociable gentleman and would engage you in a conversation whilst you sat in the dentist's chair. Ah well the good old days.
  6. You need a few chips with it Colonel
  7. Interesting article on the BBC news web site. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/6673911.stm
  8. To be honest Colonel Big Sam's been quick off the mark getting rid of five players all ready. Not that I blame him, I think they warranted getting rid of. It will be interesting to see who he will bring in and will Owen be there next season?
  9. Bliddy dangerous that man.
  10. As I recall Esme there was no dentist bills in them days it was all free on the NHS, not like today. How times have changed.
  11. No I don't go out much on a Sunday only sometime, I struggle to get up for work if I have too much to drink on a Sunday night. Mind you I was unlucky last night, waiting for number 66 for the flyer, it never come out. Ah well there's always next week.
  12. Just been over there, some fantastic pub jokes over there.
  13. I remember going to that dentist with my Grandmother, she only had one tooth left, she had pulled the rest herself over the years. The dentist took the tooth out and she got a false set it was like she had been given a new lease of life.
  14. Or (D) because you stood up for your rights √
  15. Yes Esme there was a dentist across the road for the Spar, it was a bit further up near the cut. I think his name was Mr Tully but I could be wrong about the name. I remember going there one night when I came home from work, I had tooth ache all day and droped in there. He did not have an appointment system as such you could go any time.
  16. Am up for it, we will be called the BFPP.
  17. If you look closely you can still see where the door and windows were.
  18. When I was at school the dentist used to come and check your teeth at school and if you needed any treatment you got the day off school to go and see him. The dentist was based at the Oval, he was not a butcher he was a bliddy sadist or what ever they call themselves. I was really looking forward to going as I had never been to the dentist before and the thought of a day off school made it more appealing When I got to the dentists I had to sit in this chair and he stated poking bits of metal with mirror's on in my mouth. He said that I had to have some fillings and a tooth out and that he would take the tooth out there and then. He gave me an injection in my gums and then he put his knee across my chest and pinned me to the chair and then he pulled my bliddy tooth out. I screamed and I have been terrified of dentists ever since. That fellow at the Oval must have put the fear of death into a lot of young kids, he was the King of the sadists butchers.
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