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Everything posted by Pete

  1. We could amalgamate with the Fresh party and become The Fresh Peoples Party.
  2. I reckon that the one on the left is where that old woman used to live.
  3. Goodness what size are they?
  4. Yes change the law, I want to be able to smoke in the club and not be told that I can have a pint but no fags. This goverment is run like big brother soon you will not be able to do anything except pay your taxes and thats all they will let you do. Get rid of the three main political parties and lets start a party for the people.
  5. As I recall the price of a pint in the Clayton was about 1/-3d but in the club I think Fed was only 10d or 11d. I used to go in the Market place club at the weekends and as you say there used to be bands on, good times. Yes I have seen a few fists fly outside that club and it used to be regular outside the Railway when they had the Discothèque. The Banktop was a good pub in them days. Its a bit different today, I remember when the pubs used to have an extension until 11 o' clock on New years Eve, it was amazing being in a pub at that time of night. Good days but sadly they have gone.
  6. Pete

    Maxine Carr

    Thats why she wants to live there.
  7. The thought of that would be frightening.
  8. quote name='mongo' date='May 18 2007, 11:47 AM' post='9427'] i hope you blew her off
  9. Happy Birthday Monsta hope you have a good day, have plenty of beer.
  10. That would be painfull landing with that above your heed.
  11. Pete

    Maxine Carr

    I heard that the tooth fairy is looking for a house in Bedlington Station but its got to be cheap as she can not afford a lot.
  12. I thought the information that you posted was very useful.
  13. I want two, there nice wuth chips. ops forgot to use the spelchecker
  14. Ah well give the lad some credit he did want to go but the powers that be say no.
  15. Or a parachute made from a fishing net.
  16. Doesn't that just sum up what big Business can get away with in this country, the bank didn't even bother to turn up at court.
  17. They used to be better than the PC but I have not used one for a number of years so I don't know what the modern day Mac's are like. Their graphic handling used to far Superior to the PC.
  18. They used to be better than the PC but I have not used one for a number of years so I don't know what the modern day Mac's are like. Their graphic handling used to far Superior to the PC.
  19. Wey av gotta agree wi yi, ah have trouble talkin propa inglish niver mind spelin it. Av just had sum grat fun wi the spell checkar tryin te check me post.
  20. Gannon man get it doon lowded, ah need it cos ah cannit spell in goerdie either.
  21. Well said Joe, you are 100% spot on.
  22. Ay it does man av just tried gannin and it knew what a ment.
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