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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Whats your prediction for the safternoon Colonel? I thing Chelsea will be chomping at the bit after Man U's performance last night.
  2. Tried it, result. look just like myself
  3. Got to say I am on your side on this one Monsta
  4. Phila, is the football pitch in the picture the same pitch that Barrington school used to play on. I also remember a tin/wood hut that used to be the co-op. I never lived at Barrington but I went to Barrington school 1950.
  5. I saw that this morning on Breakfast tely news, it was novel.
  6. No, no makems for the Toon
  7. Pete


    Good photo and good frame Swallnala, the one you have got in the gallery.
  8. Eat British, that way you know what your getting.
  9. I hope the teams below the Toon lose otherwise it could be an interest end to the season. Ah well its Chelsea next week, I fancy the Toon for a draw.
  10. Pete


    Thanks Blank I will try your suggestion. You were right Blank, it was the dimensions, I have reduced them and uploaded no problem. Did try changing it to a giff file but this increased the file size. Many thanks
  11. Did the computer games shop ever open in Bedlington or is it still in the planning stages?
  12. Pete


    The problem that I am having appears to be with one graphic only, its a jpeg, file size 287kb, when I try to upload I recieve a message telling me that I have not got an Internet connection. I have had the same problem when I have tried to reply to posts but usally after a couple of attempts it works. This graphic just does not seem to want to upload whatever I do. Help
  13. Pete


    Still have some problems trying to upload images in the gallery, is anyone else having a problem or is just me doing somthing wrong?
  14. You can always take some garlic with you when you pass that way again.
  15. One thing you can't get where I live is a good leek, you can buy them in the super markets but there not as good as home grown in Bedlington.
  16. I hope he's not a vampier taking refuge from the light.
  17. Pity because there well worth it
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