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Everything posted by Pete

  1. I am not the best in the world when it comes to speeling Monsta as you may have already noticed from some of my posts
  2. Joe, I can still smell the scent of the grass and wild flowers as you walked down that road, especally after it had been raining. My other memories of that road were that it was a bit steep when you walked back up.
  3. Whats your prediction for Monday Colonel? Mines a Toon win
  4. I hope the dresser hasent got wood worm
  5. Did the games shop ever get off the ground?
  6. Voted but can't see Bedlington on that map.
  7. I would shoot the rabbit other wise you will have a garden full of holes, other than that it looks good.
  8. She also got kicked out of that reality show in America.
  9. Where exactly in the woods have they installed Janus? Yes I would love to see more photo's of Bedlington, I do still get up there as I have relatives that still live in Bedlington, but I only get up there about two or three times a year. I miss Bedlington and would move back there tomorrow but my wife is Leicester born and bred and would not leave Leicester. Perhaps one day I will change her mind.
  10. Don't reconise the second photo from the left, what is it? I reconise the other photos even though its been many years since I last went down the woods.
  11. All the best Joe, hope you have a fantastic day.
  12. Yes, Pop Coulson I believe, there was also a guy called Ronie Barns who had a mobile shop it was an old bus, mind you that was fifties, sixties.
  13. Your right the school was never the glove factory, there was also a shirt factory in Barrington. The school was as you say on the road from Bedlington station, it was just up from the brick yard and to the left and behind the school there was a rubbish tip. The headmistres's name was Miss Scot, that was in the fifties she eventually left and went to the Station school. I don't remember Dody Crackett but I do remember a lot of people that lived at Barrington as I went to school with a lot of them. They brought the ponies out of the pit during the two weeks holiday and they were taken to Barrington in the fields for the two week period. On the way to the fields where they used to keep the ponies there was a training area, it was a circular track and the ponies would be tied to a tub and they went round in circles, getting them ready for work down the pit. Boomer pit was just over the back from Barrington I worked there until just before it closed. The back shift gaffer was Steve Martin, not sure if it's the same Steve Martin that does the history about Bedlington. The first shift gaffer was a guy by the name of Rhonnda Richardson. Barrington school was made of wood and the old air raid shelters were still there when I was at that school, it had six classrooms.
  14. Wrong again, the Toon were unlucky they could have won it, mind you so could Chelsea. Still a good point. I thought Bramble had a good game for a change and Steven Taylor was outstanding.
  15. I'll have to check that one out.
  16. That online auction site that is in no way as good as Free Bedlington.co.uk Classifieds better known as Conbay, biggest rip off on the net it's even worse that the French market and they tek soom beating.
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