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John Fox (foxy)

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Posts posted by John Fox (foxy)

  1. The only connection I could make was Gene Hackman starred in the Conversation and he also starred in Mississippi Burning - which was about the KKK.


    I recently read somewhere that Sgt Lewis is retiring, do you fancy taking the job on? Perhaps you could get young Robinson to go along as your assistant. :iiam:

  2. I remember going into Matty Robinson's once and hearing this disembodied voice coming from somewhere behind some boxes. Then there was the patter of feet belonging to some hound. (I think it was a black labrador) The shop was a cross between Arkwrights and Aladdin's cave. I thought if a fire breaks out here you don't stand a chance. I'm sure if John Wayne walked in there he could have bought a Winchester Rifle and some shells and a saddle for his hoss.

    Your right Keith, there's a box of shells just below that roll of wallpaper in the window.

  3. I caught a glimpse of this headline and immediately thought "Where Guy Fawkes failed..."


    Keith you've just spoilt my day,

    Funny how the term spineless brings someone to mind but everytime I see or am reminded of Cleggy I could be violently sick, I've had a canny run all week not thinking about him and not watching telly and now it's Friday I'm looking forward to my night out at the Toon and you've caught me out. Never mind I'll try again next week.

  4. It's the same thing with those Hole in the Wall machines Keith, there's a one outside Tesco's at Hexham which has a sign above it saying "Free Cash Withdrawals" so I thought I would have some of that. When I got my Bank Statement the rotten buggers had taken £100 out of my account.

  5. There was a newsagents at Bedlington Station between Walter Wilsons and Keenlysides. They had a talking (Mynah) bird and I vaguely remember going upstairs where they sold sports equipment. (I was into archery then and I bought some arrows there.) Can anyone help me with this. Also - can anyone remember the white shop - Chisolms - on the corner! We used to by our Subbutteo teams and Action Man stuff there . Cheers.

    Is this it?

  6. I can Foxy, Elvis is working at the county council, saw him a little while ago.

    He seems to be popping up just about everywhere Adam. I'm not sure if the guy you saw was real, we have quite a few up there who arn't but the real challenge is finding a Roadsweeper.

  7. Without documented evidence, signed affidavits, video evidence and multiple sightings I don't believe you foxy!


    It's true Malcolm,

    it was sweeping the kerbside outside the Hartford Hall estate. I've just checked my bank account and the Council are still taking my money each month for the services which they are not providing. It's beggining to look like a rain forest where I live, I'm sure there must be a Solicitor somewhere out there who could do them for embezzlement on a no Win no Fee basis. :icecream:

  8. We've read about Keith being fortunate enough to see live coverage of the first Moon Landing in 1969 and we've heard of sightings of Elvis on a building site in Cramlington, there are even reports of Lord Lucan having a pint in the back room of the Blue Bell last Saturday night, but I actually saw a Council Roadsweeper operating on Hartford Road on Friday 24th August at 08.55 BST.! Can anybody beat that?

  9. Can anyone remember Dunns department store? you could get goods on credit and someone would call at your house every week to collect weekly payments they sold just about everything , it was a large old fashioned shop with big wooden counters, also further along was another departmewnt store with elderly male assistants dressed in black suits. Another strange shop was the one around the corner from the chemists in the market place two old ladies owned it who were dressed in fashions from the 1900`s.

    Is this the one? Wonder if anyone can give us the make and model of that telly in Browns window.

  10. Keith L wrote: "I remember Wards Photography shop but am I right in saying he had the contract for the local school photographs? Because I bet he would have a stockpile of old bedlington photos."

    Nah! I reckon foxy has the collection and is drip feeding them to us here.


    So is this where I got them Symp?

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