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John Fox (foxy)

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Posts posted by John Fox (foxy)

  1. Please help. Where was The Music Box - in conjunction with the front street shops today. I know it was opposite the Sun Inn and it was owned by a Keith ? Sylivia ? was the manageress and I used to buy all my Moody Blues and Roxy Music vinyl there. Methinks it is either the cobblers / key place or the opticians. If i am not mistaken you had to go upstairs. Any photos would be appreciated. Cheers all.

    Think it was owned by the Coulson Family.

    I have a photo with it in the foreground although it is not the main subject in the picture. I cannot upload it onto this website because I have reached my allowance on here,but if you send me your email address through the messaging system I'll send it on to you.

  2. We will need a tiny break while we migrate all the files to another much faster server, with oodles of disk space, and closer to your door.

    So... it will be necessary to turn the board off for a short while. That's to ensure no one's masterwork gets lost in cyberspace.

    No fixed time set for this, but soon, and for the rest of our lives. ;)

    So when does it happen,? I can't upload photos because Iv'e exceeded my quota

  3. Never mind getting out on the lash, when you've had all that practice get yourself across to my place and get bthe same thing done here!!

    Hold on there,

    are ye lasses ganging up there? Ye might not be so Canny after all !!

  4. Thank you all for the kind thoughts,

    It's the wifes usual Thursday night at La Torre Restaurant with her mates and she's already gone out, so as soon as I get these dishes washed, beds made, carpets hoovered and nappies done I'm off to Wetherspoons on the lash ........That'll show her who's Boss :dribble:

    • Like 1
  5. Noticed Mark Webber was there as well Foxy seen him on the telly

    The organisers always have a number of top stars past and present over there.Last year Valentino Rossi was wandering around the paddock and did a parade lap then said he would'nt race there,he'd be scared. This year Kevin Shwantz and Randy Mamola did the same.

  6. I'm sure mercuryg will be the first to recognise this fella that I met at last weeks Isle of Man TT races. While the hierarchy were trying to usher him away to the VIP hospitality tent he totally blanked them and chatted to the Fans signing autographs for the kids. He's seen here with my mate and could'nt give a monkeys about the nobs party. Great Guy!!

    I tried to put more pics on here but the Mods have limited my upload allowance so thats it for now.


  7. I believe that if a petition signed by 10% of electors within each parish is submitted to NCC asking for a Community Governance Review to merge the parishes, then the County have to consider it (and it is the County who have the power to set the boundaries)

    But that does'nt explain why the boundaries were set originally, answer please?

  8. I cut the council owned grass which borders my driveway every time I cut my own lawn. I also sweep and weed the kerbside 10 metres either side of the drive because the council have given up coming onto the estate with the roadsweeper. Funny enough,I have a direct debit set up on my Bank account to pay for these services and the Council are still taking the money but are'nt doing the job.

    • Like 1
  9. Don Lynn had a butchers shop in the oval in the 60s.

    I remember going in one morning for the daily order of 6 pasties for the 10 o clock tea break for lads I was serving my time with. Don could'nt wait to show me something that looked like an iron bar, he threw it on the floor and when it bounced he said "do you know what that is"? before i could answer he said "its a rabbit" The days of frozen food were here and Don was amazed at how long it could be kept in storage. His shop had the reputation as the best in Bedlington. Not sure if the rabbit was for his own use or if he intended to sell them. David is certainly same Family but I'm not sure what relation.

  10. I now have the original coat of arms for Bedlingtonshire Urban District Council.

    With a bit of luck and a good wind we should see it flying high once again, quite soon!

    Any chance we can have the old councillors back?

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