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John Fox (foxy)

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Posts posted by John Fox (foxy)

  1. Removed the phone number to protect owners privacy. Please use the private messaging tools.

    Wish I was that clever,any chance of a thicky's course.I've been trying for 4 hours now to send Cympils utube video of the Royal Wedding to a friend and it still hasn't moved, Never mind God loves a tryer.

  2. Hold on there Keith we've just got another shop opened on the front street, FISHY FEET, I hope it works, honestly, but if people want to sniff fishy feet to abate their fetish they can come round to mine and sniff my feet.......for a small consideration ......of course! :dribble: :dribble: Or have I got the wrong end of the stick Mwhaha Mwhaha :innocent:

    Afraid you have got it wrong, If you take a look Its got nowt to do with your smelly feet.

  3. ZnTU0.gif

    That's assuming everyone else wants Parma Violets, the rest of the world hates eating flowery girl sweets and couldn't give a monkeys about Parma Violets. It'll make no difference to the !*!@# we're expected to vote for. They're all products of the same public school system.

    We're better off voting smarties to save eating dog !*!@#, which is why conservatives got in, the public don't really want them but couldn't stomach another 5 years of !*!@# and voting orange is a waste of a vote

    But in reality we ended up with the Dogs**t and there now enjoying rubbing our noses in it.

  4. Get some yellow split peas (lentils) and boil the heck out of them, water and a stock cube, until they go to a mush and you have a version.

    If you have the time boil a !*!@# and then use the stock to boil a muslin bag of the yellow split peas adding in some of the meat. That's a much tastier version.

    I have used green lentils when yellow ones were unavailable and they worked too, albeit the wrong colour!

    That Bag sounds a bit Racist

  5. Another derilect site on its way to the heart of the conservation area, even if the legal issues get sorted will the place be a success? The council run golf club flopped (their admission it was running at a loss) and then became a success when it was sold off to the members,and is now making money. Does this not tell us something, This same council that has c**cked up with the planning permission for Elliots Garage and the Church School (they admit the fact but blame the old Wansbeck District Council) who, to use their well worn phrase "They don't exist any longer" so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to sort this one out. Just to rub salt in the wound,the money for the sale of the golf club ended up with, "They don't exist any longer" so Bedlington got nowt. Not a very good track record, but keep trying.

  6. The challenge was to name groups/bands Foxy, not songs (even though you have unintentionaly named a group, RAINBOW ) Oh and by the way, I whent mad many years ago and am still getting progressively worse :dribble::dribble:

    So do you have a sense of humour?

  7. GGG I bet you had great fun with a colouring book when you were a kid , your box of crayons would not of taken up much room :jump::jump::jump:

    I think you must have all gone mad, surely Judy Garland gets it in one with SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW and the Wizard of Oz could sort out Merlins problems on the Yellow Brick Road in Ridge Terrace .

  8. Reversing out of back Ridge Terrace on Wed afternoon I was met with severe blasting of a car horn, so I pulled up blocking the ENTRANCE of Bennies/St Bedes to be confronted by an irate lady driver who was gesticulating with her hands. Being the mild mannered person that I am I wound the window down and asked her what her !*!@# problem was and could she !*!@# read? 'I was coming out and you reversed straight in front of me,you weren't looking' was her reply. 'I shouldn't have to look, because it's no !*!@# exit and you're driving the wrong !*!@# way, on a one !*!@# way system' I then pointed out the No Exit signs and the one way signs but she couldn't grasp what I was on about and was still adamant that I was in the wrong! A few expletives later I gave up and drove off having to avoid all the cars parked on the yellow lines either side of the No Waiting signs on the entrance to back Ridge Terrace. Yes NCC you really put the frighteners on people parking there didn't you. MUPPETS :dribble: :dribble:

    Merlin,your wasting your time complaining,at a meeting this week it was suggested that there should be MORE yellow lines painted on the road along there.I can't see the point of yellow lines when the one's that are already in place are ignored throughout the town. As I've said in previous posts, the hotspot of illegal and dangerous parking is within 50 yards of the police station and nowts done so what chance have you got.

  9. yes i can remember benny andrews when i lived at the station when he came down where i lived one of his stops was uot side my house and while he waited for people get served his horse would start and eat my hedge .

    Bet that hurt.

  10. Problem with that Brian is I think Wor Lass would probably prefer to see the back of me rather than the cat!

    I was never a 'cat person' but I have invested quite a bit into this one. I 'took' her when a 60 odd year old bloke was spinning her around by her tail and showing his grandson how far he could throw her when she was a kitten. Peasant, altercation called for! I have seen her run for her life three times being chased by foxes and I have had to climb trees and house roofs to get her down. It took about 5 years to get her to trust us and she is still wary when we have visitors, especially male visitors.

    Thing is if I put bread out for the birds our dog finds it and eats it and if I put up those suet balls it's like putting down a smorgasbord for the cat. I have found the best way is to make a bread tree, where I push pieces of bread into nooks and crannies and shoots on the trees and bushes we have. Course the sparrow hawk quite likes that idea. Bit of a tough life being a small bird around here!

    Kill the cat, Get rid of your lass!

  11. ABSOLUTELY, in fact we had a street party after hearing a 3 hour lecture about our tiny feathered friends. We have decided to lobby parliament into changing this very special day so it will always fall on a Monday, then we will insist that it will be a public holiday.

    I'll go along with that,I've always liked the Birds!

  12. Off to War again, this time against who..........oh yes......

    So where is the money coming from to pay for the weapons? Thought we had nowt, Suppose they could always cut down on the guest list at the forthcoming wedding,but they will probably go for the easy option and make more cuts that kicks joe public in the b***s.

  13. Wonder if that is the same one that was going into the top floor of the Red Lion until Wetherspoon got it?

    Just wondering if there were two Italian restaurants looking around Bedders or one?

    Seems to be an awful lot of secrecy about the place, no advertising. Looking at all these posts. Assuming the pub is open Makes one wonder if they want anyone in there.

  14. Any readers have any photographs of what Bedlington was like during the Second World War ? If so could you publish them on the Community Forum.

    If you have no success finding any photographs,just have a look at Elliots Garage in the conservation area of our town, that should give a good idea of what it was like. You will need to be quick though Council Planning reckon the foundations for the new building will be in by the end of the week.!!!!!!

  15. Thats the one Foxy. It's probably close to the era that Ali is interested in. Those houses on the left are the ones I mentioned that were derelict when I was a kid. The ones on the right were still in use [ some of them anyway] I can remember the kids that lived in them going to the village infants [church infants as some of you refer to it] and then to the whitley memorial when I was at those schools.

    Well then we may have met at some time because I lived in the houses on the right with my granny until we moved to the new council estate opposite the cemetry/ridge farm. I think one of the houses on the left was used by the Bedlington Harriers before they were knocked down,I was probably one of the kids that you remember going to the Whitley School,(more clues for Dr Pit aka Inspector Morse)

  16. That's the one Fourgee; formerly Hay's the Chemist (as opposed to "the top[end] chemist" which was Binks). Unfortunately it's off Cympil's picture at the right, but we must have a really old picture of the Vulcan Place / Marketplace corner somewhere.

    Betty Charlton / Oliver was definately very well known to our family, as I wouldn't remember the name unless it had been repeated many times. Unfortunately I can't fill in any of the details - it was one of those many things that as a kid you don't connect with, so just becomes part of the background noise. Pity you didn't post this in the 1980's! ;)

    The Olivers (and I'm assuming here the same Olivers) were good friends of Dr. Brown's family, and I remember Eileen Brown often inviting them over to Horton Road.

    Is this the one?

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