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Malcolm Robinson

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Posts posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. First of all Keith take out this bit...."What if the Council - or whoever is in charge -" coz there nobody in charge. Thats one of the problems no leadership, vision or ambitions for the Town since local government reorganistion in 1972! 1970 BUDC had plans for shopping centre, hotel, sports centre.......all in Bedlington!

  2. In the Market Town survey just been done, on the 12 Market Towns in Northumberland the footfall figures for Bedlington were the worst. (I think!)

    Market days and non-market days were measured, both figures abysmal.

    The question no one will answer is does footfall generate a decent market (and for market read shops in general) or does a decent retail offer (i.e. market, shops etc) generate footfall?

    All the meetings I have had recently about this subject won't answer another basic question, why do you think imposing an 18th century solution to a 21st century problem is going to fix it? Has anyone heard about this internet thingy and home delivery?

    For Bedlington as a commercial centre to survive it's got to reinvent itself and that will take funding and innovation, not a reliance on 18C business practices and bowing down to the multi nationals.

    I know this is all going to squeeze together.........sorry its my little pet virus!

  3. "over 75% of Italian new debt since November 2011 has been 3 years or less. and at least 50% was issued with maturities of less than a year."........................................................................................................

    If French borrowing costs go up as expected thats the old one two punches to the Euro!

  4. 635 Of Our Employees.

    Unbelievable but true, and probably worse in the USA or even Australia??

    Thought you might find this interesting ......

    I bet this will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

    Can you imagine working for a company that only has a little more than 635 employees, but has the following Employee Statistics.

    29 have been accused of spouse abuse,

    7 have been arrested for fraud,

    9 have been accused of writing bad cheques,

    17 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses,

    3 have done time for assault,

    71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit,

    14 have been arrested on drug-related charges,

    8 have been arrested for shoplifting,

    21 are currently defendants in lawsuits,

    84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year,

    And collectively, this year alone, they have cost the British tax payer £92,993,748 in expenses!

    Which organisation is this?

    It's the 635 members of the House of Commons.

    The same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.

    What a bunch of crooks we have running our country - it says it all...

    And just to top all that they probably have the best 'corporate' pension scheme in the country - whilst trying to ensure that everyone else has the worst possible!

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