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Malcolm Robinson

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Posts posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. Paddy and Mick arrived in Quebec for a moose hunting trip and hired a private pilot to fly them deep into the Canadian wilderness.  After many mishaps and adventures, by the end of the trip they had managed to bag a moose each.   As they were loading the plane to return, the pilot said he could only take the hunters, their gear and one moose, due to load constraints.   

    The hunters objected saying, "Last year we shot two, and the pilot let us take them both...and he had exactly the same plane as yours."    

    Not wanting to be outdone by another bush pilot, their pilot reluctantly gave in and everything was loaded. 

    However, even under full power the little plane couldn't climb above the tree tops and went down in the wooded wilderness. 

    Somehow, surrounded by the moose, clothing and sleeping bags, Paddy and Mick survived the crash.    

    After climbing out of the wreckage, Paddy asked Mick, "Any idea where we are?"    

    Mick replied, "I'm pretty sure we're close to where we crashed last year."

  2. Mal, I used The Magna Carta only as a salient point that it is still taught in law schools as the foundation of our democracy. Without sovereignty, and a constitution to protect it you have nothing.


    What we see now are career politicians steeped in corruption, telling us that they are looking after our interests, while selling our country to build their Golden Palaces.


    Absolutely agree with your second sentence Willy but I have a bit of a problem with the word "constitution” in your first one.


    Maybe someone can point me in the direction of the "Constitution of the United Kingdom” so I can have a read through! 


    I do think we should have one by the way because as you say without one we have no dammed rights only those which our betters allow us to have in a smoke and mirrors exercise to keep them wrapped up in power.  

  3. Wow, just suppose our ancestors - who risked and many who lost their lives for this country - could read that cynicism Malc! 


    Which is exactly my point GGG, the sovereignty talked about in those early documents, probably right up to the 1800's and beyond in some cases, is far and away removed from what is being bandied around here!

    Personally I think we do our forefathers, certainly the ones who gave their lives in the expansion of democracy and individual's rights,  a huge disservice by not following up on their heroic actions and programmes.  

    I think "our ancestors" would be far more 'unsettled' at what we have allowed to take place and the people dictating the crumbs of democracey which fall from the high tables!  

    It's a dammed travesty we don't have their stoicism! 

  4. In church a lady was heard to say a prayer. 
    It was so sweet and sincere that I just had to share it with you:- 
    "Dear Lord, 
    This has been a tough two or three years. You have taken my 
    favourite actor Patrick Swayze. My favourite pop singer 
    Michael Jackson. My favourite Blues Singer Amy Winehouse. My 
    favourite actress Elizabeth Taylor. My favourite football 
    manager Bobby Robson. My favourite golfer Seve Ballesteros, 
    my favourite singer Whitney Houston and now my favourite actor, Robin 
    I just wanted you to know that my favourite politicians 
    are: Alec Salmond, Tony Blair, John Prescott, Ed Balls, 
    Gordon Brown, Harriet Harman, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband 
    (in no particular order) 


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