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Malcolm Robinson

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Posts posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. Pythagoras' Theorem: ..............................24 words.

    Lord's Prayer: ........................................... 66 words.

    Archimedes' Principle: ..............................67 words.

    Ten Commandments: ..............................179 words.

    Gettysburg Address: ................................286 words.

    US Declaration of Independence : ................................1,300 words.

    US Constitution with all 27 Amendments: ....................7,818 words.

    EU Regulations on the Sale of CABBAGES: ...............26,911 words

  2. Tonyp,


    Talk about wild generalisations……flipping heck. 


    That's the same as saying all shop stewards are raging communists intent on bringing the country to its knees. 

    At least try to present a decent argument instead of trying to dismiss something based on oversimplifications and sweeping statements.

    Not sure Nigel would be welcomed into the Monday Club?    :dribble:

  3. Tonyp, 


    Just remind me who raided pensions to fund what he said were going to be new hospitals and schools but then spent it on inflated salary increases which then became yearly costs.

    Then had to do PFI and what a crock that is for tax payers!  


    Hint......Same giant intellect that told everyone he was going to sell the national gold stock so the price crashed just as it hit the market.   


    I bet there are GPs earning £1M+ now, back then the average was around £80K.  


    None of them could run a raffle!  

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