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Malcolm Robinson

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Posts posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. Problem is Merc the dross has increased exponentially! ................

    Social media is flavour of the month at present, I am trying to fund IT development training for SME's and social media has to be an element. ..............

    Just look at how many 'businesses' there are trying to get you to sign up with them to increase your 'Likes' etc.

  2. Actually Merc I call my mate Ginger and we tally ho quite often!

    He is quite fanatical about WW11 airplanes especially bombers (I think?) his parent were both in Bomber Command. I will introduce you......

    ........................and you called it right I would love to have taken up a PV-12 powered MkV Spitfire....................................................................................................................................

    Once we put up border controls on all the entrances to Bedlington, Stakeford Bridge, Plessey Bridge, Attlee Park Bridge and of course the two roads from Mor....peth we gonna need air crew to protect our ground forces protecting those pinch points!

  3. Vic, originally promised £20M for redvelopement it is now £10M and a huge influx of kids?

    However somehow NCC have found some money to put towards the sports offer, as long as we call it the Bedlington Sports and Liesure Centre! (And that's a deliberate spelling mistake!)

  4. For an economy which always answered its tough economic conditions with devaluation (and thereby giving its politicians a can to kick down the road!) the fact that Italy can borrow relatively cheaply can only pre-suppose one outcome.

    For some reason rates have gone down when they should be going up and that can only be political intervention, or throwing our money at the problem to save their political skins. ...................................

    As Mario said he will do anything needed to save the Euro.

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