No Vic but this is: The Spirit of Bedlington. Bedlington's just about a dog, It's quite often been said, If that's what you believe Gi'yoursel a smack on the head. Steeped in history and culture and grime and true grit, the Bedlington folk would call you a great….twit. Back in the annals of time forged out of great sweat The town now standing owes no one a debt. Back where it began no one is quite sure, But it must have been olden and really secure. The Town first written about thanks to St Cuthbert the monk, his mates, at rest, the Danes and Normans, to debunk. For long times later under Durham was placed So the Town was not Northumberland based? A great Hall for the privileged and Bishop to use, A court building too for assizes to muse, King John himself liked to stay in the Town, Not sure he was welcomed, without so much as a frown, These must have meant that the Town was of import, lucky to live here, not a place of last resort. The people around for their daily bread did need, The Bishops mill on the river to grind out their feed. When this mill went idle another came through To power the Iron Works and give work to the crew. At first the jobs were all for some nailers But soon they became world famous railroad railers. Built on coal and iron in times more recent, The folks hereabouts living lives really decent. Birkenshaw, Longridge and Gooch to name but few all men of good grace bound up with Bedlington hereto. The sign above the Works for the Bedlington Nailer "We live by fire and water and iron and God's favour.†Soon changed to make the Iron horses so new Running on the rails which were Birkenshaw's breakthrough. Soon coal was the king and many a pit Sunk into the earth thought never to quit. The town now had jobs but never was clean Its bikini line never to be seen. The Auld Pit came first and then came the Winnin, Next off the blocks came Cambois but for swimming. Thousands of miners digging out the black gold The pennies they earned to keep their household. Our dogs must now make their timely debut, No yapping or casting and certainly not blue. Bred from Old Flint up country they came But it's Bedlington where they found their great fame. The Town and its history so long in the past Its role in the county so obviously miscast. More history than others of similar scope A resurgence of pride we all but do hope. The people who lived here for such a long time Now mingle with others just in their prime. New houses and buildings bring people by the flock The problem is now, development gridlock. No thought has been put into what folks might do So the money they can spend locally now just says adieu. To the shiny cathedrals of metal and glass Leaving our local traders to feel second class. It's the pressures of life this modern were told But its our local shops we see having to fold. Change will come when it is least expected All standing together, no interest more vested. A proud people and Town of once in the past No longer just subject to verbal bombast.