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Everything posted by Canny lass

  1. What did I tell you - lots of water and no pain killers!! Thanks Micky. Someone once told me that a raw egg swallowed whole (without the shell) would do the trick, if you could get it past your lips. Must be the British version of the Mongolian Mary.
  2. Might be a bit difficult for me Brett.
  3. This is not looking good! Am I the only one here who has ever had a hangover? Come on you guys, the festive season will soon be upon us and we could be saving many people from a day of untold misery. Get your hangover cures up here!!
  4. Good old fashioned water, lots of it (preferably before you go to bed) and avoid pain killers like the plague! If you're needing this advice then your liver's already got enough poison to take care of without you adding pain killers.
  5. Anybody know when the pit rows were built?
  6. Don't know about security guards Keith but at Netherton we had a 'colliery polis', nothing to do with the men in blue brigade but on the payroll at the colliery. I'm not sure if it was a full time job or if he worked as a miner as well. The one I remember from the 50's was called Geordie Collis. He was a giant of a man and we kids were terrified of him. He was everywhere in the colliery, not just around the pit itself but around the houses and school as well, seeing that we kids didn't get up to mischief on colliery property. It wasn't hard for him to find offenders. We lived in a colliery and everything around us was owned by the colliery! I can distinctly remember him coming to the school one day and giving all the assembled children ( 2 classes of 5-8 year olds) a stern warning about destroying lupins in the school garden.
  7. Liked! I loved them. keep em comin Keith!
  8. And there was me thinking it was because she had the most diamonds!
  9. How old is your OED Keith? I've got one in my collection printed 1977 and both forms are given.The vocabulary of a language, unlike the grammar, is constantly changing so it's a good idea to invest in a new dictionary every 10 years or so.
  10. You're right there Keith. The 60s and 70s were groundbreaking years. I can't think of any other period in history where so many innovative ideas became reality. I too watched the first moon-landing and remember being amazed at the shere immensity of the whole thing. It must have taken real guts to be strapped into a rocket and shot away into the unknown.
  11. Careful! It's not only gorgeous young women the camera works on. Could have very adverse effects on young males.
  12. Now there's a man who doesn't mince words! Brilliant! A few more in Europe just like him please!
  13. willicks! (sounds almost obscene doesn't it. It'll probably get censored). I used to love them. There was a period in my childhood when I refused to eat the tail end. Then I discovered that it tasted better then the head and refused to eat the head. Today I couldn't eat a willick to save my life!! Same thing with mussels. I can remember going to pick willicks at the beach but I can't remember just where and I can just about remember the smell as they were cooking. Then, I thought it was a lovely smell. I remember my brother and I had a secret club - all the two of us! - The winkler's club. After a session of picking and eating willicks we each kept a shell . I've long since forgotten the rules but we had to be able to produce the shell if we were asked to by the other 'club members'. Then there was a system of forfeits if the shell wasn't produced. He always won because boys' trousers always had pockets and he carried his shell about with him. Girls' dresses didn't often have pockets so my shell was always somewhere in the house when I was challenged. Ah well! Beats burning picnic tables.
  14. Just a thought: If !*!@# van Dyke, assuming he was still living, wanted to be a member here would he be allowed to use his name?
  15. Well clearly you weren't brought up in Netherton in the 50's!
  16. Keith - forgot to say that the one correct answer you are looking for is !*!@#!
  17. Cant understand why !*!@# is censored and not Charlie. It's discrimination.
  18. And of course they did. Isn't technology fantastic!
  19. 1. Moby !*!@# 2. !*!@# van Dyke 3. !*!@# francis 4. !*!@# Tracy 5. !*!@# Dastardley I'll be very surprised if the censors don't change every answer when I try to post this!!
  20. Can't wait to see how this is going to work! 50 beggars on Drottninggatan all at the same time - and on only a part of it. They'll be falling over each other - and the police will be falling all over them! I'm also wondering how much the charity will get out of this. They'll need to take 100 crowns an hour just to cover the hourly rate. Say they manage double, which I think is highly unlikely, then they can keep 200 crowns leaving 200 crowns over for their employer who has to pay 32% in national insurance per person (they are not doing this voluntarily if they are getting an hourly wage), cover their own costs and presumably earn something themselves. Not much left over för charity.
  21. 1. 116 years 2. Ecuador 3. Sheep, goat, horse 4. November 5. Squirrel 6. Dog 7. Albert 8. Crimson 9. New Zealand 10. Orange
  22. I'll bet nobody dared to argue with her!
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