Keep at it! Been off them for 26 years now myself. Don't worry about the weight. If you've got the will power to quit the fags you've got the willpower to lose the weight - when the time is right. Tackle one problem at a time. The longer your off the weed the better your health will be and the more energy you'll have. The more energy you have the more active you'll be. The more active you are the more calories you'll burn. And - if you then start adding some gentle exercise ( you did say you liked the new gym equipment in the woods) the weight will disappear without really having to try too hard. It took a couple of years for me to reach that stage and then I started running. Still running today 3 X 10K every week. Keep up the good work. Every day without a cig is an achievement to be proud of. if you should happen to fall by the wayside, don't give up and never say "I've started again". You haven't started again you've only had a small lapse - get back on track!Here's a little tip for you to help with withdrawal symptoms: Wash and dry a bunch of celery. Cut a few sticks into strips about the length of a cigarette. It's important to keep all the strips the same way up and remember which end is which - top or bottom. Take a glass large enough to hold the strips. Fill it to 1/3 with vodka and place the strips in the glass with the bottom end in the vodka. The strips should be as upright as possible so choose your glass accordingly. Place in the fridge overnight. next day the vodka should have disappeared as it's been drawn up into the celery. These are great when the craving sets in (actually they're quite nice without the craving as well)!