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Everything posted by Canny lass

  1. A middle-aged man woke up one Saturday morning to find his bike missing. Fearing that the bike had been stolen, he turned to the local priest for help. The priest wondered why the man had come to him and not the police. “Well, I thought that perhaps somebody might confess their sin to you”. “I am bound to secrecy”, said the priest “and I wouldn’t be able to reveal any names. However, I might be able to help you in another way. Tomorrow, when I read my sermon I’ll read the Ten Commandments. When I get to ‘ thou shalt not steal’ you can have a look around and see if you can see anybody with a guilty look on their face”. The sermon went according to plan and as promised, the priest rounded off by reading the Ten Commandments. After the service, the man met the priest in the Sacristy. “How did it go?” asked the priest. “It went very well” replied the man, “but not in the way we had planned. When you got to ‘thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife’ I remembered where I had left my bike”.
  2. An old lady walks into a cosmetic surgeon's office and tells him she wants a facelift. He says "Well, we have three procedures. The first is for £1000 and is guaranteed for one year, the second is £3000 and is guaranteed for 3 years and the last is £5000 and it is guaranteed for 5 years." The old lady says "Well tell me about them." The doctor says, "For £1000 you are going to get a half-ass job that you pay very little for." She responds, "Forget that one, what about the next one." He explains, "For £3000 we do a much better job and pay close attention to detail, but it is only guaranteed for 3 years." The lady says, "No, that's no good either, what about the last one." The doctor replies, "For £5000 you are going to get the best facelift with a feature that is on the cutting edge of plastic surgery. There will be a screw attached to the back of your head and if you notice your face sagging, just come back in and we will tighten the screw." The lady is delighted and has the surgery. About 6 months later she comes back to the office very upset. "Doctor, I want my money back because I look horrible. Look at these bags under my eyes!" The doctor leans back in his chair and says, "Lady you aren't getting anything back. Those bags under your eyes are your boobs and if you keep messing with that screw, pretty soon you're going to have a goatee beard!"
  3. You'd never cope! there's more to being a woman than drinking wine and cooking: There's taking your man out for the evening, paying for the pleasure and being an unpaid, SOBER chauffeur. Then, there's shopping for shoes! There's also pots to wash and clothes to iron and did I mention shoe shopping? School runs and laundry, dusting and polishing and shoe shopping! And, of course, there's home fires to be kept burning: trees to fell, chain saws to be oiled, logs to cut, kindling to collect - if you can find the time in between shopping expeditions Now get that pinny off and get the wife another glass of wine!
  4. Not sure, Eggy. I can only count to ten. If the good Lord had wanted me to count to 14 he would have given me 14 fingers! Seriously, I couldn't get my head past the 'alcoholic' type of bar. Sign of a misspent youth, Im afraid!
  5. ... and did you have to have an adult with you?
  6. Where were you when you took that picture?
  7. I've had this in my head all day and the penny has just finally dropped! Massive senior moment!
  8. What’s the first thing a blonde does in the morning? She gets up, gets dressed and goes home. When do blonde hookers get angry? When they find out that the others are charging. Why was alcohol created? So that brunettes could also have fun.
  9. Where do men go when they get up in the middle of the night? 5% go to the fridge 20% go to the toilet 75% go home
  10. I consider myself well and truly chastised! It's not like me. I don't know what came over me!
  11. Life should be lived backwards! Just think how that would be … The most unfair thing about life is that it always ends in death! It ought to be the other way round. We should die first, then it’s over and done with and out of the way. Then we chould have a few years in an old people’s home before being kicked out for being too young and healthy and when we start work we should get a gold watch on our very first day. Then we could work 40 odd years until we are young enough to really enjoy having a pension, drink and party, party, party! Time for infant school next - a little kid with no need for responsibilities and then on to being a baby before spending the last nine months at a spa with central heating and food deliveries. AND the whole thing would be rounded off with an orgasm!
  12. This new shop, will it replace Morrisons?
  13. Here are some handy tips about wine. First and foremost, it’s important to be able to tell the difference between red- and white wines: The easiest way to do this is to spill a drop or two on a white tablecloth. The wine that leaves a purple stain is a red wine. Real connoisseurs can tell a red from a white simply by tasting. Port wine is a wine that is served in port. If you don’t live near a port, a marina, lake or even a paddling pool will do. When you serve a dry wine, make sure that that it’s not windy, or that any of the guests are about to sneeze. In such circumstances you’ll probably get wine dust all over the room. At parties, the following tips can be useful if you think you may have drunk too much wine: Some words are difficult to say when you’ve drunk too much: - Insurmountable - Innovative - Preliminary Some words are even more difficult to say when you’ve drunk far too much wine: - Constitutional - Substantiate - Pecuniary Some words are impossible to say when you’re way over the limit: - No thanks, no more wine for me. - Thanks, but I don’t want sex. - Sorry, you’re not really my type
  14. Google chrome for me as well.
  15. A teacher told his class: “43% of you will not pass this next maths exam” A voice from the back of the class replied: “I don’t believe that. There are only 26 of us in the class!”
  16. Haha! I thought you meant Bedlington when you said "local". Almost bought a plane ticket!
  17. Worked fine. Just mark the text then choose B I or U. I think HPW's bug may have got to you now.
  18. Just testing, as it's always worked for me.
  19. You do realise, that with no illegal immigrants you'll have a hard job getting workers for the olive harvest. You and the missus will have to do it yourself.
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