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Everything posted by tonyg

  1. My wifes' Grandparents Lived in Rosella place in the neuk also the Bowers Lived there
  2. i think it might have been in the neuk .
  3. never mind about the flowers ' what about some money for Bedlington.
  4. I know stan wearmouth i often play bowls with him.
  5. some of them still live in Bedlington.
  6. after bebside woods pop factory went to blyth
  7. i can remember muters' very well as i used to work for them from 1960 till 1972.
  8. the cricket club trophy for the pubs and clubs was called the bedlington cricket club novices . as a mate of mine showed me a medal from it tonight.
  9. we used to call them scranchums from Don Patties fish shop at Bedlinton stn
  10. it was Smails sweet shop
  11. i had to stop tap dancing because. i kept falling off into the sink
  12. Northern . Vision .Rentals.
  13. is mary still around. i remember when margaret grey and nancy carmoody used to work in the VG shop.
  14. then became NVR owned by Jimmy Millne's son
  15. yes the VG shop was next to the pioneer boot factory.the spar across the road when first built was just a garage that sold cars. and one of the Drivers for Lawson's lived in Jubilee Terrace. who i knew very well.
  16. My dad and brother worked at the aad pit they were deputys'
  17. Tommys first shop beside the pioneer boot factory was mrs Barkers as she used to take me for piano Lessons in the 1950s
  18. Tommy didnt have a daughter he had a sister called mary '
  19. then a cinema then a bingo hall
  20. yes the book Plessey interesting read .Published by NCC
  21. BoB Bulmer and Don Hutton. both gone now
  22. I think it was the april 1974
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