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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. I would love to say something positive about last night but cannot. The situation was unbelievable. A view on how not to run a meeting was our conclusion . Sadly there is no video or recording of the process for posterity.
  2. Glaky what a lovely word . So expressive , as long as you know what it means!
  3. Page 15 of the Guardian Review yesterday discusses- Harry Ritchie's English for the Natives: Discover the Grammar You Don't know You Know Published by John Murray The topic head says Why do we persist in thinking that standard English is right when it is spoken by only 15 percent of the English population? Linguistic - loving Harry Ritchie blames Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky it seems thinks language skills are innate and other areas of linguistics are glimpsed, if at all fuzzily in the background..
  4. Very Good your profile is going to be popular. Sadly I did not get all 'A 's'
  5. Just like other threads this is important for future generations . Opinions differ and no one dies because they disagree. Democracy .
  6. Just wondered, cannot see any minutes from October.
  7. Joe I have started to read this link and run out of time. Sunday morning becomes Sunday afternoon and nothing done! It is great, so many names that are familiar in Bedlington. You also realise how well travelled our ancestors were, perhaps out of necessity. From Shiny Row, however it is spelt, to the World ,sailing, the Coop Movement, unfairness in all it's many forms.
  8. On the 24th March 2014 the Bedlington History Society has a talk on 'The Raws Housing the NE Miners in the 19th Century. The talk is to be given by Dr Winifred Stokes. Maybe a google search would give some information on Shinny Row. Otherwise Joe the meetings start at 7-30 in the locally known Coffin Chapel
  9. It will be the 60th Anniversary of our old school opening in a few years. Wonder if there will be a celebration !
  10. It seems the film is being previewed in Berwick tonight and it comes out on release next week. Revenge or forgiveness!
  11. Still off subject but the Laing is always worth a visit. Some of their interactive exhibits are great. They are good with kids, allowing them access and play activities. Isabella and the pot of Basil is a poem by Keats. Worth a read and I think the picture we have in the Laing is brilliant. There used to be a great vegetarian restaurant called Supernatural nearby, the small salad was a meal in itself! Mining stories to museums to art galleries luckily we have a search option for any new visitors to the site. Spoaching necessary.
  12. I am looking forward to you search results from today in Gothenburg Canny Lass!
  13. It would be worth searching any names you have on this site. Lots of information to delve into.
  14. In the Laing it has to be the John Martin paintings. They have been my favourite since first working in Newcastle in the 60s. Biblical over the top and brilliant. The exhibition the other year that travelled the country was great. Hollywood came calling to our very own Mad Martin. Check out his work. If you have not seen any if his pictures remember that they have inspired a lot of the blockbusters. Watch 2012 the film. This is all of subject!
  15. Look out for this film it is based on a man who lives/lived in Berwick and worked on the Burma Rail Road during the War. He met up with the person who tortured him later in life.
  16. The Hancock Museum is now the Great North Museum. Interactive with less to see and lots to go wrong. Basically things just stop working. Then there is the Centre for Life!
  17. The Flickr website froze my phone. It attached to the top of the screen and could not be closed down. It attached itself to the Bedlington website as if it was part of it. Anyone any ideas maybe this is what it does!
  18. Daughter went to the tip today at Bebside. The guys helping her were comedians remarking that it would be best if she lifted the heavy bag. Naturally it was just their sense of humour.
  19. I liked Osgathorpe. I know that will be controversial but he was a interesting character with a wealth of stories.
  20. The heritage and history hollow could be for our children's children HPW, Often I have put things in the secure part of this sight because I feel names could be sensitive. However even there people will do research and pick up on our heritage. The mining stories are a huge part of our life here in Bedlington. Please please keep writing anything down that you think is relevant. It will be more valuable for future generations.
  21. Canny Lass you are forgetting that more is at stake. Remember a friend of mine who joined us from afar with a South African accent. She still feels she was bullied at school. Sometimes it is just a simple case of one upmanship. The ultimate put down here is you have a cockney accent. That seems worse, somehow, than posh.
  22. My parents had a friend Dot Stewart whose father was an overman or supervisor at Woodhorn probably in the 1920s. They moved to Whitley Bay so this Lady came back to Bedlington to camp somewhere above Humford. She had gone to Morpeth Grammer School with Ellen Mitchell and Lillian Graham.
  23. Adam just accept that was the sound you were going for posh or Geordie or Northumbrian. Sounds to me as if one or two people are winding you up.
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