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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. The water could be pumped from Humford Malcolm. It could be just part of our water supply from further afield now. Would be interesting to know details. The water supply failed a few years ago to the West of Bedlington and I think it was said to come from up country. In the Dark Ages people ,it seems, knew more about how to get fresh water, Now we just turn on the tap and do not think to much about the how and where
  2. Like Morpeth,and the artesian well that Waters and Robson cashed in on, I wonder if the water that collects behind the Red Lion is from a ground source . Would be interesting to know if it is fresh water. Details of other water sources are documented in a health report and survey. With the influx of population in the 19th century more needed to be done for the health of the town. Bottling pop, invalid stout etc, there must have been many water sources. Bedlington has a history just waiting to be investigated. I can feel it in my water!!!
  3. HPW, I think we are basically looking for evidence that is not there in living memory. We need someone with access to the vaults of knowledge that maybe still exist somewhere in the country. Then again do we just look for evidence in names that have been passed down for generations. The stones used for our town, particularly East Bedligton, ( walls, church and some houses) all look to me from that Anglo / Saxon period. Early recycling. Apart from Bede nothing much was recorded. Evidence could be none existent even to an investigative dig.
  4. On one thread someone was asking where Fountain Hall was HPW. It is a pity we have not got time travel to find out. Our town has so many interesting places that could benefit from investigation. Sadly records could be anywhere. Durham from the church records, but even then these records could be in the South. When the Lindisfarne Gospels went to London, other records may have gone with them. One Vicar gives a view of our town that has been forgotten. Osgathorp quotes him in a history of the church he published in 1949. Others in later books have ignored these facts. I wonder were the evidence disappeared to.
  5. 611 AD would be before Oswald,Cuthbert and Bede. In which case was our town the perfect place to pray! Canny Lass has come up with an interesting item on a Swedish word to pray being close to the name Bede and therefore to the name of our town. In Pagan times sites near water were important. We have the Wansbeck and the river Blyth nearby. An old port or landing place at Camus or now called Cambois. Oswald had to move around to secure his kingdom. The site of our town could have been important. Travel by sea would mean our town area was a place of safety and away from any invaders.
  6. Keith pages two and three of this thread have more on fish and chips and scraps of batter
  7. Now here's the thing. I have bought the book and on page 12 mention is made of the city of Bebba. It is extremely well fortified but not large. The space of three or four fields , one hollowed out entrance ascending by steps, you reach the summit of the hill and there is a wonderful church. On the west there is a well of sweet water. This is recorded in the Historia Regum and attributed to the Symeon of Durham. It would be nice if our town was recorded in a similar way. We have been connected to Durham since the Dark Ages. After that there could have been steps up to Hollymount, we have the church and behind the Red Lion there appears to be an amount of water which could be a fountain. Fountain Hall has been mentioned in other posts. Time team where are you? You cannot say I do not try even though at times I am trying
  8. Maz O Connor has a track, on her soon to be released folk album, about Emily Wilding Davison! The album is called 'The Willowed Light'
  9. Such an interesting time. The experts argue about dates and facts. The truth is there but who has the relevant details. Maybe no one! Our Gospels from Lindisfarne are not even in our area. Records and details may have been lost and or changed by various people down the ages.
  10. It seems the new way to complain is to write on Twitter. People are paid to watch and take action. This morning the news was of someone on a train complaining that it was very cold and within a short time the heating came on.
  11. We used to play 'Cannon' Lolly sticks and a tin can, but I cannot remember the rules. I guess you ran when all the sticks fell. Rounders with old and young taking part, no particular rules or everyone just joining in . Skipping games with lots of rhymes we all knew. Home made swings attached to doors and again with songs and rhymes to keep you going. No money required only a need to join in.
  12. Monday next 7:30 at the Coffin Chapel; the Bedlington History Society is a talk on 'The Golden Age of Northumbria'
  13. Very up market Brian. Maybe it will start a trend in Bedlington.
  14. Have a great day and I hope the Easter Bunny behaves well.
  15. This area was slipped in after the consultation process for the planned expansion of Bedlington identified areas North of the Town. There are others that you can expect plans to be submitted for sometime soon. Green belt what green belt!
  16. Maybe the case is simply that new build still has no vat to pay ! Renovations may involve extra costs! Viewpoints are subjective and the money making factor seems very high on some peoples minds
  17. On the Ashington side of the Sheepwash bridge you can walk to a farm that has no road access and is in a beautiful setting. It is a ruin now . I wonder if anyone else has explored this isolated spot.
  18. What a knowledgable audience last night. The Colliery Rows are living memories for most of us here in Bedlington The days of the veg plot with pigs and chickens in the garden. These days may return as the food runs out. Next meeting is Monday the 28th April and is The Golden Age of Northumbria Mrs A Swearman
  19. Yep the Roxy was a ballroom!
  20. Monday 24th Dr Winifred Stokes is talking about The Raws Housing the NE Miners in the 19th Century. Coffin Chapel 7:30
  21. The Jungle Book is a firm favourite in our family. We all resort to quotes on almost a permanent basis.
  22. Maybe at different times they moved the box office! There was another cinema so that could be where the memory becomes vague. Canny Lass can you remember writing off for information on industry in geography! I got a little carried away applying for tickets for Tyne Tees TV. These provided a cheap trip out to see characters like Helen Shapiro , Bobby Vee.
  23. Surely the figures are £301,500! If the figures are more where has the money gone! A break down of the figures is needed! We all know how little Bedlington has by way of Sports Centres etc
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