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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. I think we are all going to have to agree to differ. All accents change depending on the audience. Interesting to hear children talking today, the influence of popular culture is often more important than local dialect or region. Sting and Robson Green have my vote for promoting our area in a positive way.
  2. Can anyone remember using the word oxters ! I cannot but I believe Catherine Cookson uses the word in her books. Thanks Canny Lass.
  3. I bought a Samphire Bay tea towel with dialect words. Anyone help I do not know what 'Oxters' means.
  4. Symptoms look up Raymond Reed Dialect Poet on U Tube. There are two clips both start the same but have different content one lasts 7 minutes the other 14. Canny Lass does not agree with all that is said but it is interesting. Raymond was a bin man in Bedlington .
  5. I agree we need Canny Lass to add to this debate. Some people can switch in and out of any accent. Then there is dialect, or standard English with an accent.
  6. Hope you didn't turn up the heat Malcolm.
  7. You need to spend some time at home Canny Lass or maybe you are just being funny. Even the maritime charts have changed! The Power Station , I am informed was a navigation point.
  8. The match was held in terrible weather. I guess they were in the directors box. Unfortunately we have Palace supporters in the family. What an admission! Now Symptoms surely your accent has changed a little over the years.
  9. Good performances from Sting Jimi Nail, as well as Katherine and Peter Tickell. It was on on BBC1 Sunday at 10.55 if anyone has replay. Our region has loyal supporters.
  10. Success my friend has had two visits. Maybe people do want to help local folk.
  11. I will try to make it Adam. I know people who will. Maybe the people who started this thread would be the people to ask for help. When are the next elections? May!
  12. As we can no longer listen to Synergy, we need Xmas Playlists. Here is mine :- Keane Arctic Monkeys Bellowhead Show of Hands Heidi Talbot Band of Joy I Am Kloot Karine Polwart Alexis Murdoch Richard Hawley Laura Marlin Seth Lakeman Last but not least The Saw Doctors. They gave their song Broke My Heart free to a friends daughter who was putting together a cd to raise funds for CROI west of Ireland Cardiology Foundation that was in 2009. Maybe the cd is still available. I bet Wonkys already got it!
  13. I used to make a lot of wine and the Rice Wine seemed drinkable very quickly. A flat with under floor heating helped.
  14. Who ever they are they are difficult to get hold of, present company accepted. A school friend is trying desperately to contact councillors, and apart from our 'Two Amigo's' has not managed to contact anyone. She will not give up, but between websites and county hall no one seems to have any information they are prepared to share.
  15. Would the new 'only meet all together' Town Council help. Or is it now the Parish Council!
  16. Light relief, some friend in the 70s claimed to have been at a bar near the central station while they were filming a scene from Get Carter. It seems they gave everyone free booze, the filming took rather a long time and as everyone was rolling drunk they had to have another try at filming the next night. Maybe they were just pretending to be drunk! My mother felt she had to see 'Women in Love' just to see if she could spot anyone she knew. George Clark is doing a good job promoting Kielder on C4 with the tree house he is building on Amazing Spaces. Robson Green, is equally well, promoting Northumberland with his ITV programme 'Tales From Northumberland' Last night it was Earl Grey, Craster and Low Newton. I hope anyone living elsewhere can get these two programmes.
  17. Maybe this will stir people to vote! Or maybe get actively involved in politics. Tony Benn in the summer talking to Johnnie Walker in Edinburgh said he used his own moral compass. We all know when an argument or situation is fair and above board We may disagree strongly but we still accept the other viewpoint. You just need to watch children when they feel unfairly treated. That is when they react strongly. My sincere hope is that this current situation is explained and rationalised. Not just passed over until electioneering takes over.
  18. Who gains by the change? Seems to me Bedlington will loose. Why would these people not want research and consultation? Are they afraid of democracy.
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