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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. That picture is a new college built in Sheffield. I just wonder how much energy is produced, and for who. If it is such a good idea, why not for all of us and not just for the rich boys in subsidies. The Turbines at Blythe go up are pulled down and no one seems to have any real data about their viability. I guess in time we will find out the truth.
  2. Was that because the main road was busy, or were you all picking the best blackberries. We are now the Grandparents and my lot are so enthusiastic about picking this year that I do not get a look in. I need to remember, to get them behind me.
  3. Happy Days the school was a good place to go to.
  4. Excellent pictures Foxy. I think we can get a good idea from these about where the turbine will go or not. 140/10! That is the votes against 140, sorry objections
  5. "We are all in the Gutter but some of us are looking at the Stars" Did Oscar Wilde say that, either way a good idea. Keith Lockey you can be our very own Patrick Moore.
  6. Now there is a challenge. Could end up with Call Wansbeck Soon. Cyclist was stupid.
  7. We are all behind Synergy. Cheering them on! You could mean us to get behind you Micky Potts. Where would you like to go?
  8. You could be right. My solution would be to put these turbines along side chimneys. In the South maybe London. ( Houses of Parliament, Downing Street etc) Nothing wrong with riot control. Remember you are one of the chosen ones now. Town councillors unite. Just as well we all have a sense of humour.
  9. Thanks Vic! It is interesting because it seems prior to 1950 they were made by one company and then later maybe made in Birmingham. One son is researching because he is into bikes but it also seems they are worth something now. There is absolutely no way I am selling but it may become a 'Grand Torino' moment. If you have seen the film.
  10. The answer for over populated towns and cities!
  11. What a shot! The sky is now the limit. Maybe not with such skill.
  12. I am just not sure Eggy My research has drawn a blank and has raised more questions. The old bike is great to ride and much better than a new bike that was bought one Christmas because the old one was thought embarrassing. Guess this will encourage jokes.
  13. Thanks Synergy. Will your archive be released at some future date?
  14. Did you see the news about the building in London having the same effect.
  15. Anyone any idea who made these bikes for the coop. This is my old bike and it seems like a very old friend. Obviously I have dug it up!
  16. Did he not 'Bang it doon the cundy'. Maybe we need Canny Lass on the case. Listening to Synergy on line means catching up on any posts. What will we do when the licence ends.
  17. Help please! Which musician with a Geordie voice were you talking to this morning Colin. His music was good but we did not catch his name or the name of his group. He said he was going to play near Kings Cross and that he had played outside at the Sage for the Americana Festival. He also said he was going to play the Hoochie Coochie club.
  18. My guess is you would have liked to keep the Camera Eggy. Space permitting of course. The Media Museum in Bradford has loads of old cameras. It used to be the Museum of Photography. When most people throw out these things you know they will be collectible. I guess no one thought their old bottles would be collectible. Spades out in 100 years.
  19. As a point of interest the new Broadway House had no electric connected when it was first built. I saw my first dead body there, with the aid of a hurricane lamp. I guess we can survive without those Turbines after all.
  20. One of my favourites is spelk. Maybe Keith got a spelk or two from 'Lowping/ louping over the wall and into Milne's field. Is that too L!
  21. Excellent idea. Always be prepared to take action.
  22. Maybe the wrong button ( or two again) Eggy!
  23. Wonder if The Hoppings' is anything to do with 'Hopping It' in Kent to go and pick the hops for beer. Maybe Kent miners coming up North. I called the Bedlington Shows the Hoppings sometimes. I liked the 'shuggy boats' Some shows seemed a little too dangerous and expensive for me. Self preservation.
  24. Me too Merc. He used to use the bus Raisbecks of course to get into Bedlington. My daughter now has two and when one dog was dying the other would not leave his side. Early memories of them being used to bring the sheep in, they were/are brilliant dogs.
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